I am still being a good bed vegetable - watching old TiVo'd programs - two of which I liked but just found out were cancelled (Trauma and Miami Medical) and one which is coming back which I didn't like (Boston Med). But one I absolutely loved (Hot in Cleveland) is coming back - love Betty White! I may actually catch up on all of the last year's shows I taped before this next season starts. I actually have to figure out what ones I even want to tape yet.
Other than that, putting finishing touches on my sample newsletter along with starting my Fall edition that will go out the end of September after our national meeting.
Mother-in-law called yesterday. The reason for the phone call? She's off her rocker again. Her brother passed away this year (she hasn't talked to him in over 10+ years - mutual feeling from what I have determined). But his widow is selling their house and has an old steamer trunk of stuff she wants my MIL to have. Great! How nice (and no not being facetious). MIL wants me to drive her 9 hours one way to retrieve said trunk and load it into what I don't know (what does a steamer trunk look like and will it fit into a Corolla?) and bring it back here to her home. Just what she needs when we are trying to empty out her house is more crap.
But I am to drop anything and everything to drive her there and back and get said trunk. Her sons said no. So she played the card that this was her hometown and she would like to visit her parent's graves one more time before she dies. We offered to move the graves down here and ship the trunk. She is slightly perturbed with us right now.
Now let's consider her health - she can't tolerate a 9 hour car ride one way let alone 18 hours there and back. She is currently being tested for Congestive Heart Failure, stroke, and is scheduled for a biopsy of a mass in her arm. Those she says can hold off. I say no they can't. So we are in a standoff. So far I am winning but just to make sure I had her neighbor disable her car so she didn't take off on her own.
So I am leaving MIL to her sons. I am a bed vegetable - I have to follow doctor's orders :)
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