Thursday, May 8, 2008

Don't Break My Puppies

Ok last thing daughter and son-in-law said to me when I picked up my granddoggies Monday evening was: "Don't break my puppies!"

Well, I didn't exactly break them. I mean how can I help it if one of them always seems to have something go wrong after they have been here? Can I help it if they run around and play and tear their ACL (each one has) or get kidney stones or get diarrhea from pizza? Or they think it's fun to play with skunks?

So after a $250.00 vet bill today, Bella (the bottom one) has tendinitis of the left knee with a possible ACL tear. The vet suggested Rimadyl. I said are you kidding me? Drugs and this dog don't mix. She needs tranquilizers. She doesn't understand that she is a bulldog and isn't supposed to jump onto beds and furniture or catch frisbees in the air or rest for one minute. Now Brittany (the top one) needs the Rimadyl to wake up and move. I call her Pokey. It's an hour project to wake her up in the morning, get her downstairs, out the door to potty, eat breakfast, then poop. That pretty well tuckers her out for another 4-5 hours.

Oh did I mention that Bella and Brittany found a few baby skunks to play with the last time they were here? Eau de skunk is not aromatic. Bathing them in tomato juice is not fun, especially in cold weather using cold water. For that one, I claimed pain in my foot and got hubs to do them. I made him bathe in tomato juice after cuz he stunk too.

So here's hoping Bella isn't limping next Tuesday and the drugs work to keep her down otherwise I broke one of the puppies to the tune of $2000 for ACL surgery.