Friday, May 30, 2008

Malignant Narcissism

We all have a bit of narcissism in each and every one of us. It is one thing to have a healthy self-esteem but it is a lot different to have such an inflated sense of importance that other people's feelings, beliefs, and thoughts have no meaning.

But there is a narcissism that is malignant - the way narcissists malign others. They deliberately improve their own image at the expense of someone else. They use backward reactions to things especially shock tactics. They take you aback. They disarm you. They get away with it because you are stunned, feeling like you just got sucker punched.

Malignant narcissists invest so much energy in the false image of themselves that they possess a sense of personal entitlement. They expect others to cater to their every whim, to notice anything new about them, to anticipate their every single need, and respond according to how they want them to respond. They get so caught up in their own universe that they have no time for the feelings and wants of others. Others are seen only as objects and when they outgrow their use or refuse to bow to the narcissist's needs, they are discarded like garbage.

To be diagnosed with Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder, five or more of the following characteristics must be present:
1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance, with little actual achievements.
2. Fantasizes about unlimited power, success, intelligence, and beauty.
3. Believes that s/he is "special" and attempts to associate only with those who the sufferer perceives are "like" them or will "appreciate" their talent.
4. Needs excessive admiration.
5. Expects especially favorable treatment by others or automatic agreement by others.
6. Exploits other people for their own advancement.
7. Cannot empathize with others.
8. Is envious of others but also believes others are envious of them.
9. Exhibits arrogant behaviors.

Do you know of anyone who meets these characteristics? I do. I try to avoid them.