Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Hump Day

I don't know about any of you but I sure could take my coffee like that.

My week so far:
1. Had a long phone call with client yesterday. Nothing solved. Frustration levels at an all time high.
2. Worked
3. Picked up kids from airport coming in from their honeymoon. They were nicely tanned and burnt and tired of being rerouted around the storms we had here. I was tired of waiting on them. I knew I should never ever believe what the airlines tell you - that their plane is on time. I knew better. But I was there waiting on them.
4. As soon as we walked back into house, the power went out. Storms had passed but does that mean anything to this area? Nope. Power goes out for no reason. I called ComEd and the message was our power was due back on by 11PM. 11PM came and went so I called again. Trucks are being dispatched. There is no restoration time until the trucks determine the problem.' Ok...what were they doing from 8PM to 11PM? Twiddlin' their thumbs? Were they able to flush a toilet? Run water? I sure wasn't able to. ComEd wanted to know if I wanted a return call when power was restored. Now why would I want a phone call to tell me my power was back on when I could tell if it was? Totally worthless message that I had to push one to get in English. Power finally came back on this morning. We had to run the generator all night for the sump pump.
5. Contractors were due here at 9am. Now with #4 above, I was up and down most of the night (hubs thinks that if he has to get up we all have to get up). Contractors have their own clock. No clue what their time zone is but late. They just arrived and it's 11:30am. No apology. When questioned as to why they weren't on time, their response was they had an emergency call. Ok, did you not have a phone to call me? Again, common courtesy is not in the vocabulary of a contractor. At least he pulled up his pants today. There is nothing sexy about seeing pants below a huge belly and cracks showing, especially after very little sleep.
6. Just found out daughter and son-in-law sent me Harry & David's chocolate covered strawberries last Thursday for Mother's Day. Never got them. The UPS guy must have been hungry or he needed a present for his mother.
7. My granddoggies went back home with their parents. I miss them and their snot spraying snorts!