Friday, June 13, 2008

24 hours to Saturday afternoon

Most people say TGIF. I don't. Not when I work Saturday's too. I don't get excited until Saturday afternoon rolls around. Then I have 'off' Saturday evening and all day Sunday. Yeah, my definition of 'off' is kinda warped. I will still be found doing laundry for the week, cleaning the house, cooking, shopping, balancing the checkbook, seeing which bills I can pay this week, and doing the billing for my clients. I consider that good because I can do it all in my robe. So I was getting excited.....that is until............

I realized Sunday is Father's Day. So there goes my day off.

Hubs went with me to the neurologist this morning (a necessity because I can't drive that far otherwise I would have left him at home). He goes in the room with me and proceeds to tell the doctor that he needs to up my meds cuz I have been a *itch and with that, the doctor ups my meds. The thoughts running in my mind: crushing said meds and putting it someone's food. Can you guess who?

No, really, I love my husband. I so don't want to retrain another. But he can be such a pain, especially when it's his birthday or on Father's Day.