Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Reunion #1

Ok I survived the 1st family to go. Should be 2 to go but we decided not to go to the OK reunion - airfare is just too expensive. I only sniped back at my MIL once, ok maybe twice. But in all honesty and my defense, she deserved more.

As soon as we got there hubs traipsed off to join the bocci players and left me helpless with his mother and her friend and husband. My last words to these people were at my daughter's wedding when I was trying to get things set up and setting out the placecards when she kept leaning over my shoulder asking where her name was and that I forgot her. I finally told her I was on the F's and her last name began with W and to shut up and sit down and get out of my way. I was not nice and I did not apologize. Sorry but when someone harasses you for 10 minutes they deserve all they get.

I brought the wedding proofs hoping that this would ease, no not the right word - maybe occupy people who would not be their usual obnoxious selves and say how my marriage to her precious son was not going to last.

Didn't work.

The weather was against me. It started sprinkling on and off. So the only one that got to see the entire book was one of hub's aunts who his mother doesn't approve of because she is living in sin (she is 88, widowed twice, and now lives with a man). Hub's mom wanted us to come over afterwards. I gave "the look" to hubs and he made some excuse and we left, thank goodness. He knows he has to live with me and when he gets the look - he knows to do what I want or he will pay.

Hub's brother had a good idea though. He said just pick out pictures for their mother and she will never be the wiser. Somehow since Aunt H got to see the pics I sincerely doubt I will hear the end of this.

Hub's dad had not a clue where he was or who people were - he kept calling his older sister by his mother's name - and he thanked everyone for coming over and over and over and over.

But I gotta say the highlight was watching the following play bocci and whipping everyone's rears: 92 year old Aunt A in her walker, hubs 90 year old father with his quad cane, and 88 year old drunk on one beer Aunt H. Those are kodak moments!