Friday, June 6, 2008

TGIF and all clear!

Wow has this been a week! Hub's urologist appointment confirmed the stone passed and is now in the hands of the lab to determine what kind it is so we know what to do and to stop them from forming. He also got yelled at for not having a physical so I made that appointment for him too.

Let's see what else was going on this week. Daughter got laid off yesterday due to the housing decline (she worked as an internet salesperson) so she wasn't a happy camper since they were looking to move out of their townhome and into a house.

Oh and son-in-law had surgery this morning. I told the urologist after his (son-in-law) surgery that we need a family plan for his fees. Son-in-law's surgery went well and it is a wait and see if the kidney starts functioning again or what. Tests again in 4 weeks. I can't stress enough for you young people out there to get physicals....that is how son-in-law found out he had a problem and a huge one.

I did get some reading in the past couple of days and this morning waiting with daughter in the surgery waiting room. I finished "Bleeding Kansas" by Sara Paretsky and it was as good as my cousin said it would be. I highly recommend it. I had "My Stroke Of Insight" in my TBR pile and on the recommendation of anonymous poster, I elevated it to the next to be read book and got to start it this morning and read another 3 chapters waiting at the urologist's office this afternoon. It is really good and I can tell I, too, will finish it tonight. It is that good! So thanks anonymous!

I think a nice quiet peaceful evening with a whirlpool bath and reading is on the menu for tonight. Dinner is in the crockpot.