Monday, June 2, 2008

I did good!

I done did good!!!! Congratulate me! I had been putting off going to therapy again after the last cast came off mid April because frankly I had a whole heck of a lot of other things more important to do (one was getting the house ready for daughter's wedding). My other excuses: having to get up earlier than normal to go spend the hour or 2 with Attila the Hun and pay to be in pain. Not my idea of fun.

So I had given the wedding as an excuse then luckily the one spare car I can drive broke down and was in the shop for the past 2 weeks. So last Friday we picked up said car, and I had a doctor appointment. I do have a tear in the peroneal tendon that has not repaired itself yet but it is just a grade 1 tear and thus nothing needed at this time. But I got released - YIPEE!!!!!! But got yelled at for not going to therapy. With both my surgeon on one side and my husband on the other, I was marched directly to the therapy department. I could not pass go or protest. They had no appointments that day but scheduled one for this morning at 6am. Now I was not a happy camper but with both of them on my rear, I had no choice.

So up I was at 5:30am just to go to pay for abuse when I could stay home and get it for free. Hubs asked if I was going to make coffee - I said nope they get me up early they get me without coffee attitude. So I went. I did all that was required. Therapist said - why are you here? I said because of 2 pig headed stubborn men who thought they knew better than me. Therapist said well you were right, you don't need physical therapy. You have already done everything in 6 weeks that takes most people a year to recoup from considering you had a total reconstruction of the ankle. I asked him to put it in writing that I was right.

Yep guess what got flashed under hubs nose when I got home???? I scanned it in and emailed it to my surgeon (who is a friend of ours) along with a pic of me with my tongue hanging out.

I just received an email response from surgeon - with a "When are you going to do the other ankle?" My response: "When Hell freezes over!" I spent almost 9 months non-weight bearing in a cast. There is no way I am going back into one!