Today's post comes from Chicago where 48 degrees and sunny sounds like the tropics yet it still hasn't even begun to melt all the snow!
Ankle - been doing a bit too much on it today trying to reclaim my house and laundry room and it decided to retaliate by swelling so ended up taking a nap with an ice bag around the knee and another around the ankle and another around the whole forefoot. It was nice to relax though and I was able to read an actual real book my daughter picked up for me - reviews will definitely be coming on it.
New Clothes - did a bit of shopping for the upcoming seminar since a lot of my clothes were really baggy on me. Got a new light 2 piece turquoise shirt set, a 2 piece pantsuit, 4 new slacks, new compression socks, new earrings, 2 scarves, and a black boyfriend jacket. It all came in last week but husband had forgotten to bring it home so I finally got it yesterday but didn't open the packages until today. A little excited - doesn't take much to please me :)
Birth - Welcome A, T, and J - born to 3 sisters within 10 days! Nana and Papa will have their hands full with them and the other 3 grandchildren.
Birth - Also Welcome to K and congratulations to new grandparents K and K!
Death - Sincere deepest sympathies to Zeek and her family with the death of her father - another cancer victim! He is in His Hands and at peace.
Otherwise not much going on - attending an open house tomorrow and going to see MIL and FIL Sunday for her 83rd birthday. I plan on making a huge pot of pea soup and a carrot cake from scratch tomorrow for her - well the cake is for her and I will give her a jar or 2 of the pea soup but not all of it! I think there would be 1000's of wet noodles coming my way if I didn't give others some jars!