Cast actually came off Tuesday evening and then my husband did a diagnostic ultrasound on the areas that were hurting - ended up to be many areas but mainly nerves and not due to anything major. Tuesday evening I put some weight on the foot letting the crutches take most of the weight and there wasn't any popping or pain - stiffness and soreness but no pain. The ankle would normally be stiff and sore after 3 weeks postop but no more of that 'popping' severe pain I had been getting in the cast which was quite a relief for me.
Yesterday I went to my doctor/surgeon who took out the sutures and said the cast can stay off! Yipeeeeeee - I did some calculations yesterday and realized that out of the past 31 months, I had been in a cast for all but 12 months of that. I get to start some light passive exercise (sitting and making the alphabet with my ankle) so I can get more movement in it. Plus I can do some light crutch weight bearing and walking but still have to remain 99% non-weight bearing and on the scooter which is fine with me. I get to take a shower and get it wet and nice and clean and massage it with lotions so I can get the skin back instead of the orange scales I currently have. A few more days of the skin toughening up and I can even shave those ugly long hairs! (Just a side note clarification - I was talking about the fact that the foot could get wet in the shower and that the scooter doesn't go in the shower. And another clarification - I have been taking showers all along - but with a shower bag over the cast. Just making sure ya'll comprende there!)
I worked from home yesterday then headed to upstairs and soaked my foot....ahhhhh such bliss! I massaged it with lotion then wrapped it and went to bed and read.
The ankle feels pretty good - not great but I can't move it a whole lot yet and it is still swelling, but for 3 weeks postop - I am happy. No more feelings of no foot underneath me so a stable ankle is back! So far the Artelon is holding!
Husband even apologized (this is rare) so he's back out of the doghouse. I swear men have PMS once a month and as they age it gets worse!