My birthday is this Sunday and the date my drivers license expires. I haven't had to renew it for over 10+ years since I am a good driver and all **snicker**
I have had the form for over a month but didn't think it would be nice to go in on my scooter or using crutches and ask for a drivers license. So I waited. I practiced this morning a bit to make the limp less noticeable. Son and I took off for the DMV. He dropped me off to lessen the amount I had to walk and I had the crutches and scooter in the car just in case. I limped in until they could see me then I walked although very very slow.
First one must state why you are there then you are given a number and a finger pointing to where you are supposed to go. Then you take a seat until your number is called. When my number was called, the lady watched me walk - there was no way I could walk fast since then I would limp. So I ambled over and I commented that this damp weather is bad on old people (meaning those of us with owies). Thankfully she laughed and said I wasn't that old, meaning I think that I was old just not ancient.
Then I had to take a vision test. I wore my glasses (bifocals) and told me to look into this vision testing thingie. There were 3 sets of numbers. The first 2 were easy. The last 3 I had absolutely no clue on. The lady said take a guess and I said they were so blurry I couldn't even hazard a guess. I said I needed to get trifocals and she said: "Oh honey, tilt your head up to see the last set". Yep those were for close work hence the need for bifocals and sure enough those numbers came into focus!
Next I had to cross the entire DMV to get a new picture taken. Managed to do that and then walk out. Son picked me up and my foot went up on the dashboard and I popped a pain pill.
Best thing - I got my license renewed not having driven in almost 3 years!