I have been still having pain mainly in the back part of the outside of the ankle to the back part of the inside of the ankle and with any motion. I have been trying to do the alphabet with my foot and ankle to get more motion in it but I have pain especially when I pull the foot toward me or when I try to make any letter that involves any type of a circular motion. It seems to hurt the longer I am up even if I put some weight on the foot or not although I try and stay mainly non-weight bearing. I also am still getting this baseball size swelling in that area along with a total intolerance to riding in a car with the motion.
So yesterday at the office hubs took tuning fork to my foot and made it hurt worse and then took special xrays on the right ankle and stated that he thought my continued swelling and pain might be due to what is nicknamed a Shepherds Fracture. This is a fracture of the lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the talus which was named after Francis J. Shepherd. Basically he thinks I sheared off a piece of this bone at the back of the talus. It has possibly been there since the original injury 8-15-07.
To get this fracture one must hyperplanterflex the posterior talofibular ligament and have the 2 bones come together and shear off one of the processes of the talus. It is usually seen in athletes or ballet dancers (yeah not either).
So, today my doctor took a few more xrays and wants me to get an MRI to be sure. I am kind of a pain in the rear patient in that I don't want to hear any word that starts with either an 's' or an 'i' aka surgery/shot/injection. I also didn't want to have another cast put on and he agreed PLUS the biggest: he took me off the narcoleptic anti-inflammatory medicine called Indocin. All it was making me do was sleep which both my doctor and husband agreed was a nice side effect as it effectively kept me quiet. Haha.....so got that med stopped. One cannot sleep their life away.
So this weekend I am working on my newsletter that I need to have in the mail by next Friday. But no surgery at this point and for that I am thankful. I honestly don't know if I could mentally tolerate another one. Maybe one 10 years or so into the future but not right now. Right now I just want my life back. I want to cook again. I want to drive again. I want my independence again.
But basically we don't know yet so until we do, the 's' word and the 'i' word are off the table and the narcoleptic drug is right there with it.