Monday, July 7, 2008

One of THOSE Mondays

Interestingly enough, there weren't statement people to deal with, nor was anyone particularly nasty or difficult. Pretty calm in fact. Patients showed up on time. Nothing to complain about. I pray for this type of day.....usually!

It was just one of THOSE Mondays. Yanno the kind....where you just want to go back to bed and say to h...e...double hockey stick to everyone and everything. Maybe it was the 4 days off that did it. Dunno but I could get used to being off.

On a side note....say a few prayers for new son-in-law who is having surgery again tomorrow. I know he will be fine....he's in good hands.

So all you people out there who see signs in things...what does it mean when a yellow canary keeps tapping at your window?