Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saying Good-bye is hard to do

Almost 2 years ago we said good-bye to our dearest friend. Today the family and a few close friends gathered for one last family 4th of July party to say good-bye to the house he beautifully rebuilt into this gorgeous home. The house finally sold and his widow, our friend, will be moving out this week. In another week it will be sold, then demolished to make way for a new fancy smancy house. There was nothing wrong with the house except it's age. It was located on a prime acre wooded lot with a sloping backyard.

So today we said good-bye to L all over again. It wasn't as sad as melancholic, each of us remembering when each part of the house was redone and remembering a lot of the funny incidents that happened with each revision since so much of Larry was in that house. The house also had character and held a great many good parties that yes, even summoned the police a few times.

In some ways I am glad to see it demolished. The memories of the good times of that house live in my heart. I no longer need to hang onto the structure. But I will forever miss our friend.