Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hot Buns - Like or Dislike?

For those of you thinking I am talking about the above - you are wrong!

I am talking about seats in cars that have seat warmers giving you hot buns. I would say another word but have to keep this halfway PG here but you all know what I was going to say.

Now why on earth would someone want one? Why would someone (namely hubs) feel the need to turn mine on? (The seat warmer - keep the mind clean here - it's hard I know). My husband knows how much I hot flash. I love love love cold weather. I have taken to wearing a coat lately but it is -30 wind chills so a fleece light jacket isn't out of the normal. Tonight I got into the car. Not only does hubs have the heat in the car jacked up to 80 **gasp** but he put my sear warmer on too. His does not work. Does he think that it will magically turn his on? Well, it won't. And I for one, hate hot buns.

Ok, I feel you are all laughing your rears off here and I have to admit there are a lot of sexual innuendos and double meanings but I am being sincere....ok ok for once. Ok ok.....then again maybe not.

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