Thursday, January 22, 2009

Red Light Cameras

I don't know if any of you have these in your area, but in our local paper, it made front page news. (No, it wasn't a slow story day because here in IL we have Blagojevich's impeachment trial starting and his wife was fired today from her fund raising job). This made news because of the sheer numbers of tickets that were given in a mere 6 week span in our town.

For those who do not know what a red light camera is - here is a definition: There is a camera at a designated intersection. The cameras snap pictures of vehicles that run red lights. The violator then receives a ticket in the mail for the infraction.

According to Eric Skrum, spokesman of the National Motorists Association, "Red-light cameras just reward cities for bad engineering." The group states: "The best remedies for dangerous intersections are engineering improvements like longer yellow lights and shielding signals to prevent glare and make the lights more visible as the sun sets." On the group's web site, they also state: "The organization believes that with properly posted speed limits and properly installed traffic-control devices, there is no need for camera-based traffic law enforcement devices."

I find this hilarious. Ask anyone what a red light or a yellow light or a green light means, especially a kid. They will say they have learned that a red light means stop. A green light means go. And a yellow light means go faster.

When I learned to drive (back in the olden ages), we were taught that a yellow light meant caution - slow down and be prepared to stop. In today's world, the belief is that if there is not a policeman around, you the motorist, have the right to do what you want. If you didn't firmly believe that, you would obey all traffic signs and speed limits without anyone watching. Does that happen? Only 10% of people do obey the traffic laws (speed limits, etc). I am one of them. My kids used to compare the number of cars that passed me when I drove to the number of cars my husband passed when he was driving. Guess who won?

I, for one, am glad to see red light cameras. I am sick and tired of seeing people run red lights or almost getting hit by one who runs the red light. Our town sent out 7000 tickets in 6 weeks. Each ticket sent to the owner of the car whose license plate was photographed was $100.00. Maybe the offenders will be helping me by stopping tax increases I would have had without this additional surprising income to the village.