Well, I am. I make lists of things to do then break down said list to littler lists. I had to graduate from post-it notes because I was washing them too often. By using the yellow tablet, I figure I am not only spending less money but I can keep list after list after list all in the same tablet. Plus it's too big to put in my pocket thus too big to not see go in the wash.
Take for instance Christmas. This year I have been a bit 'grounded' you might say - more on my rear in bed than anywhere else. But the reality is, Christmas won't be pulled together if someone didn't make sure everything and everyone was done. Here's where I come in.
I have a master list of all the stuff that needs to be done.
I have littler lists of that bigger list. For example, I have a list of what I am making for dinner for my mom's house, for my inlaws house, and for our house. Of those lists I have what I am serving for each dinner. I also have a master grocery list of all the supplies I need. I also have a combined list of when I need to do what - more of the plan for each day.
Then there is the master Christmas list. One year I almost forgot the mailpersons gift certificates and the envelopes for the employee's bonuses. Also on this list is whose name we have per family, and includes presents for those random people - my daughter's inlaws who always get us something, etc.
Then there is the baking list which comprises what cookies I am making this year and then taking where.
My kids used to love to find my lists - but I learned to encrypt them. But this year I have a huge problem - the pain meds are messing with my brain and I can't remember the code or where I hid some lists.
Hopefully everything will get done and I will remember where I put this one list. I just need to find a light blue shirt to wear to my mom's - we are doing family pics and our family chose light blue to be dressed in.