I am really a simple person. Right now my goal of something to make me happy is to stay out of pain. Not easy with CRPS. Cortisone shot the other day worked but who knows for how long but at least that pain is gone. Got another cortisone today all across the whole top of the middle of the foot - at least 50 some shots. Didn't feel good but now is all nice and numb. We shall see when it wears off.
Otherwise, believe it or not, I am learning to delegate my Christmas shopping and
But one of the bestest things today that made me happy - ordering the above to put gift cards in to make my kids opening their gifts work to get their present! They can be ordered at http://www.catalogfavorites.com/
But the absolute bestest thing that happened today - it is FINALLY getting to be my kind of temperature - today was 4 as a high with -18 degrees wind chill. Didn't even have to wear my fleece - still short sleeve weather!