I haven't had much time to post this week - pain is less in the ankle so have been trying to finish Christmas presents, plus making sure I got the presents I was supposed to, plus compiling articles for a newsletter that needs to go in the mail next week but the American Medical Association where I ordered my new coding books has not followed through yet with actually shipping one of the books I need to determine the coding changes for the coming year which is the last article I need to include in the newsletter.
Then as all good weeks go - it ended today with a bang.
Have you ever taken a phone call where the caller gives you question after question after question yet never ever gives you time for a response? Yep bright eyed run off of the mouth called me at 7 in the morning. 22 questions without a breath in 5 minutes until I screamed into the cell and said "SHUT UP"! She actually did and then I fired all her answers off to her to which she replied: "Just who are you?" This is a prime example of why I love my answer to these cocky type people: "I am an RN and the doctor's wife. Is that good enough for you? Your name was Michelle. Please be advised that you will be reported for your behavior."
I was wide awake by now so I decided to just go ahead and take my shower and get ready for the day. I had just finished my shower and was getting dressed when I got a phone call from my FIL's dementia home stating that FIL was having severe chest pain and they couldn't get his blood pressure and wanted to know what they should do. I was like - "DUH - hang up and call 911. I will have one of the sons meet you at the ER."
So I got ahold of BIL to go take care of things until my husband could get out there after the surgeries he had to do. I then called a couple of neighbors to go over to MIL's house and be with her when I told her what was going on, and to get together a bag with her medications and things she might need at the hospital. I then called MIL who went as bonkers as I expected but again, thankfully the neighbors were level headed and helped her get ready and took her over there. FIL ended up being admitted for a pulmonary embolism (blood clot to the lung) and will be a guest at the hospital for a few days.
In the meantime, I got son to take me to the hairdressers and then to pick up Mr Trouble who had been neutered and declawed yesterday. Mr Trouble won over the hearts of all the people at the vet office and could not understand how this perfect adorable kitten got the name Trouble. Yeah he fooled them!
But it was bring Trouble home and get him settled then off to my doctor's appointment. I am sporting a nice pretty Christmas cast.
The ending? MIL just got off the phone with me highly agitated that the ER stole FIL's coat. I explained that they don't put coats on patients who are taken by ambulance - they use blankets. Got her calmed down.
I think I need to learn to drink or I need some better meds!