There is less than 24 hours left before I have the 1st of 3 Christmas's and I need at least another month to get ready.
The weather in Chicago is not delightful although we have about 8 inches of snow on the ground so it's definitely a white Christmas! We are currently getting ice - supposedly through tomorrow but on that border line so truthfully I am hoping for the colder and snow. Snow I can deal with. Ice I can't.
Mr. Trouble has been a royal PITA. He was neutered and front declawed last Thursday and did fine until Monday when he got pissed at us and escaped the bathroom we had him confined to, dislodging the glue on one of his 'fingers' of his right paw. So son took him back to the vet where they re-sealed that area and put him on antibiotics. He did fine until this morning and the area re-opened again a bit. He isn't bleeding much but the vet wants to see him. I can't take him in so they told me to just watch him. Last weekend we actually stopped giving him the pain medication they had given us because this cat thought he was invincible when he took it. When we withheld it, he laid down like a nice kitty and slept. His name isn't Trouble for nothing!
I have 6 batches of cookies to go. My foot and ankle is killing me after yesterday's long day of cooking. I have no energy to get back up to do anything.
Did I mention that 4 hours yesterday I fought with my FIL's doctor and the hospital he has been in since scaring the beegeebees out of us last Friday and their social worker aka case manager (their new name but same job)? FIL has 2 small blood clots in his lungs and a large one in his left leg. He was placed on this new medication to thin his blood. We had to give an order for restraints because I can't be out there day and night with him like the last time he was hospitalized and he doesn't remember minute to minute where he is. Well, this new medication is an injection into his stomach - twice a day. It is covered in the hospital setting but not at all under his prescription program at home. The cost for said medicine from the pharmacy? $10,000 for the month. Hubs and I can get it wholesale for $100 per shot plus tax and shipping or $6000.00 per month. BUT there is an oral pill he can take that IS covered under his drug program and 95% of the country is on. Is the new drug better? In some ways, yes as it has a more consistent effect and less need for constant monitoring. But does the old drug work? Sure does but needs weekly blood draws which again would be covered by Medicare home care. Social worker - sorry case manager - wants him to be discharged to a skilled nursing home for the injections until his blood is thin enough. We said absolutely not. The cost of the drug alone is not necessary and sending a Stage IV dementia patient to a skilled nursing home is like giving sugar to an ADHD child - way too much over stimuli! We shall see what happens today.
So I thought I would sit for a bit and wrap presents to regain some energy. But the wrapping paper is not within my reach or the where the scooter can go.
I called my pharmacy to have my medications delivered instead of being picked up today and they don't have a driver.
Can something - just one wee thing go RIGHT for a change? Pretty please with a cherry on top?