And I have little done. I never counted on this last surgery to put me on my rear so much. Every other surgery I have bounced back pretty fast and even the pain was bearable with anti-inflammatories and an occasional Darvocet but this defies any medication except painful shots in the knee which makes the leg numb for at least 20 some hours. It's the only time I am able to think, sleep, and eat. Otherwise I just want to take my fingers and grind them across the blackboard and make everyone as miserable as I am. Nice, heh?
But really, without the help of my daughter, some friends, and internet shopping, Christmas would suck big time here. I have the annual Christmas letter done - just have to print it and mail it. I can use last year's envelopes because I never got those sent out. All I have to do is add the additional postage.
I ordered the 2 - 18 pound turkeys today along with 2 - 9 pound Honey Baked Hams and 1 Honey Baked Turkey Breast for my side's Christmas. I also started deciding on what cookies I am going to attempt to make this year. I am not making the biscotti's this year nor the snickerdoodles nor the spritz nor the decorated sugar cookies. But still on the list are the pistachio bread, chinese chews, coconut macroons, pecan pie bars, and the peanut butter kisses. In reality only the macroons and kiss cookies are harder to make as the others are bar type cookies. But then again there is another 1000 cappelletti's to make by Christmas eve too.
BIL and I decided the menu for Christmas eve - cappelletti followed by tilipia followed by lasagna. BIL is making the tilipia and I already have a frozen lasagna in the deep freeze. Kids and hubs decided on standing rib roast for our Christmas dinner with au gratins, corn pudding, and green beans.
But honestly, I have a newsletter to get out by the end of this week along with trying to make sense of the lists of things the kids want. I am really tempted to just pass along cold hard cash maybe in that maze thingie so they have something to do. Hard to get excited when I am in this much pain.
Wonder if I can get by and say we are doing an old fashioned Christmas and have to send each other a note on why we are thankful for them and have that fly?
Even Trouble didn't like that one. But he has been extra clingy lately. This morning I woke to a face full of fur - he had draped himself around my face. Don't know if he is 'feeling' my pain or just reacting to his upcoming surgery this Friday when he gets neutered and declawed. He is a pistol though. Might have to find another cat to keep him entertained. He lurves the tree and climbing up into it and chewing on the lights and batting the ornaments off. He is easily amused.
So what recipe do you want for tomorrow?