Sorry for the lapse recently in posting - been a bit fuzzy with pain pills and then coordinating my thoughts which were as loosey goosey as my ankle supposedly was. Hopefully there will be an end to this bone pain topped with the nerve pain.
I digress.....I have a Facebook account and yes, I am over 20-something. I think I had heard some statistic that the average age on Facebook was well over 40 now. Personally I like it a whole lot better than classmates.com or Myspace or any other place I know of. I can allow who I want to see what I want to them to see when I want them to see by dividing my 'friends' into my peeps, relatives, classmates, etc. I then can assign them which group they are in and then what they can see - so say for instance I have a friend I trust that knows me. I will put her in not only the peeps area but also allow her to see my crazy relative area and possibly my classmate area. My relative people though with the exception of 3 people are only allowed to see what my other relatives say to me, not what any of my friends say. Hopefully I am explaining this right.
I have denied friend access if I never knew them in high school or college or if I haven't talked to them in over 25 years and don't care if I ever talk to them again.
I recently had a 'friend' ask me to be her friend. Interestingly enough, this said friend and I attended college together and lived together all 4 of those years. We were in each other's weddings and had our 1st child within 6 months of each other. At that time we were close. But something happened. I did a bad thing. I refused to allow my 2 and half year old child to attend her daughter's birthday party because she was running a temp and had been up all night puking. Yeah I was a bad mother. You would think this person would be happy I didn't allow my daughter to infect her child or any other people at the party. But no, I was screamed at, called every name under the sun plus a few more I didn't even know. Why? Because every other child was sick too and had cancelled. So this 'friend' expected me to be there irregardless. I said no. I was 5 months pregnant at the time and after being up all night, didn't feel so well myself. She has not talked to me since.
That is, until I received an invite to become her friend on Facebook. I politely ignored the invite for 2 weeks. Then I denied it. I got another invite from her today, this time with a note saying to stop being a bitch. Now I could get into an email battle with her for daring to call me a bitch. But to me, it's just not worth it. My husband ran into hers around the time I was going through cancer and treatments. Did she call then? Nope. Over the years has she ever called? Nope. Does she deserve my time? Nope.
Sorry, Charlie.........denied again.
Has this ever happened to you?