I do not believe in werewolves. I do, however, believe in the craziness of a full moon. Tonight's will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the year! Why you ask? Why I will be glad to enlighten you!
This is the 1st full moon of 2010. It is also known as the Wolf Moon - named by Native Americans for the hungry wolves who howled at the full moon on cold winter nights.
But that isn't why it's the biggest and brightest - here's the reason: The moon is an average 238,855 miles away from Earth. The moon orbits the Earth once every 29.5 days. Since that orbit isn't a perfect circle but rather kinda like an ellipse, it therefore means the moon will be closer to the Earth and tonight it will be 31,700 miles closer than usual. I could get a bit more technical but in reality just believe me or look it up and educate yourself! Also, supposedly the reason it will be brighter is that it will be 14 percent wider and therefore 30 percent brighter according to Spaceweather.com. As a bonus, Mars will be just left of the moon tonight.
All I know for sure is that the full moon craziness has already started! Yesterday one of the office girls had a young man limp into the office. He stated he was in severe pain and wanted to be seen immediately. She tried to make him an appointment for today in one of the other offices but he wasn't happy. His insurance also didn't start until the end of Feb and he wanted us to post date the claim so it would be covered. She said we don't do that. He then became pretty angry. She called me and had me on the phone while she finally got him out the door. But she didn't lock the door....and while talking to me, someone else walked in - this time a rep trying to get us to use a surgery center way too far away. After the rep left, she locked the door.
The cats have been nuts. One of them has taken to taking a dump in son's shower. Don't know why. Don't know who. Just have the end product in the tub and the screams of son who stepped in it and who has had to clean it out twice now. I just sit and laugh. No - I know it isn't funny and I know I need to figure out who is doing it, but ya gotta give me this one with the son - it is so totally deserved!
Me? I am just sitting on my bed with my foot elevated, watching the Chicago Blackhawks just tie the game against Carolina, waiting for my dinner to be delivered to me, with my precious kittens sleeping quietly beside me.