I got this idea from Z's blog and loved it so thought I would do it here and no, twasn't tagged and no not tagging anyone .
Your cell phone? black but how many of you had to look like I did?
Your hair? tan
Your favorite food? Korean
Your dream last night? dreamless
Your favorite drink? water
Your dream/goal? grandkids
What room are you in? office
Your hobby? read
Your fear? surgery
Where do you want to be in 6 years? walking
Where were you last night? bedroom
Something that you aren't? liar
Muffins? cornbread
Wish list item? books
Where did you grow up? everywhere
Last thing you did? laundry
What are you wearing? scrubs
Your TV? ancient
Your Pets? cats
Friends? many
Your life? good
Your mood? thankful
Missing someone? grandkids
Vehicle? car
Something you're not wearing? guess
Your favorite store? bookstore
Your favorite color? pink
When was the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? today
Your best friend? Cindy
One place that you go to over and over? doctors or church
Facebook? yes
Favorite place to eat? Crabhouse