This is a rant about health insurance companies but especially CIGNA. Let's see some statistics about CIGNA first then my rant.
CIGNA is ranked at 132 in the Fortune 500 top companies with profits of $29200.00 million! http://jhirmack-shampoo.ttoam.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2009/snapshots/2488.html
Mr. David M. Cordani, 45, is the Chief Exec. Officer and President and makes $2.29M. Vice President and General Counsel is Ms. Carol Ann Petren, 57, and makes $1.63M. Mr John M Murabito, 50, is the Executive Vice President of HR & Services and makes $1.35M. (Note the M - that's MILLIONS folks). http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=ci Nice salaries.
But somehow their profit doesn't include paying doctors. In fact, the hospital my husband is on staff at has waited 4 months to receive a new contract with them. There have been counteroffers - that the hospital accepts a significant decrease in payment that would be way under even Medicare and below market reimbursement. The hospital has chosen not to accept that. So now not only is a major hospital not going to accept CIGNA anymore but any doctor who was on said hospital staff is automatically kicked off the CIGNA program - period. Doesn't matter if you take said patient to an in-network place or don't even do surgery on them. You are bye-bye.
So you say doctors and hospitals are overpaid? Well, what other profession in this world has taken a 10% pay cut for the last 10 years? What other profession is proposed to take a 25% pay cut this coming March? Who has to wait on their paycheck? Who has to wait more than 6 months and make more than 1 phone call per patient per week to just get them to pay you? Who else but the health profession? Please name me one.
It's not the doctors or health care providers that are the cause of the health care crisis. It's the insurance companies - companies like CIGNA who make millions from you the taxpayer. You don't see one doctor named in the Fortune 500. But you do see every single insurance company there. Ever wonder why? Ever wonder that maybe - just maybe - doctors and health care professionals might have a point that it is NOT them?
Me - I just want to be paid.