Really all you news media? Isn't there SOMETHING else to report on? Maybe the earthquake in Haiti? Or the millions still out of work in our own country or uninsured or even the State of Illinois not paying its bills aka doctor bills for their employees for over 6 months now?
I can think of zillions of topics more worthy than who is hurling mud at who for the governor's race for IL or who is the best candidate for Cook County President. Is there ANY POLITICIAN that will run a mudfree race? Is it even possible anymore? Next thing they will be posting who has butt pimples and who doesn't. I don't even watch TV anymore unless it is TiVo'd when I can speed through the commercials and ads.
And Leno, O'Brien, Letterman, and Kimmel - no one really listens to any of you anymore. Your jokes are old. Your guests are too posed. Play nice in your sandbox or all of you will be out not that anyone watches you anyway.
Just who are these Nielson viewers? People who are paid to say good things about certain shows?
Maybe it's just me - but it seems a show I fall in love with is the one cancelled and the yuckie ones are the ones that get renewed.
Or maybe I am just getting old and shows they are putting out are no longer geared to my age group which is strange because us babyboomers are in the majority right now. You should be catering to us.