Still a day late here because I just had to rant about CIGNA - and really still am. It just burns my butt that insurance companies can get by with so much crappola and not pay the claims. I can just see me going to the grocery store and when checking out with my groceries, I tell the person that is checking me out that I will come back in say 6 months to pay for today's groceries. Now say they do accept that (if you know of said place let me know) and you can get statements for your groceries and pay at will but first you need to fill out a form to see if someone else might pay or maybe someone fell and therefore you are no longer responsible for paying? Sound like a stretch? Well, it's not uncommon for us to hear that all the time - the insurance companies that do that? Pretty well all that are in the Fortune 500 - hey - they didn't get there by paying things. No siree...........they got there by denying my claim or postponing said claim and earn interest in the thousands.
Okay I digress which is easy to do with dealing with insurance companies. But this post is all about a weird website. you ever wanted to own a house fly powered paper airplane? Here is the site for you. For $5.95 (shipping and handling included), you can be the proud owner of the Fly Power Kit, containing all the materials needed to construct two paper airplanes. The kit also includes an “engine mount” or whatever is needed to stick the fly to it. It claims that with the fly attached, the paper plane will fly. FLY NOT INCLUDED. You will have to go to their “how to catch a engine” section to learn how to catch your fly. Paypal is also an offered service on this site.

And I bet you all thought I was nuts......well maybe I am for finding this stuff for you as I am waiting on the phone to talk to an person at the insurance company instead of pressing 1 then 2 then 426 then you get a busy tone and promptly disconnected!