Even after the last surgery, my pain levels are more than even when I fell. 2 weeks ago I got an injection because we assumed it was a nerve problem. The injection was a killer and relieved nothing. So I went back in to the doctor today with all the 'hot spots' noted with a skin marker and what positions caused the ankle to go really nuts.
The doctor looked at all the places I had marked and looked at all the positions it was sore in, and concluded the same thing I had determined by researching the type of trauma I had to the ankle when I fell. It is a joint that had been sutured into place but obviously that isn't enough.
So he put the ankle under fluroscopic examination and moved it around seeing how the joints interacted, then tried to inject 3cc of Lidocaine into the subtalar joint. He could only get 1 and 1/2 in as the joint wouldn't stretch to allow any more in. On top of that, when he was trying to get the Lidocaine into the joint, 5 of the 6 hot spots of intense pain went more intense so we now know this joint is the primary cause of a lot of my pain.
So I kinda got some vindication today. At least I know I am not crazy. I told my doctor to write up my case as it has had so many problems but he said no one would believe him especially since I am a doctor's wife. They would just nod and pad him on the shoulder. I really am not a trouble maker.....it just finds me. And this was all caused from falling on the fantastic Philly sidewalks! But another surgical procedure was added to the surgery I already had scheduled for 2-11-10 - a subtalar arthroscopy!
The diagram above shows the subtalar joint - the one right below the joint they repaired in November.
But also wanted you to know I didn't forget about updating the blog - just took the weekend off and spent it with hubs and our new kitten named Nubs (a brother of Trouble). Pictures of Nubs to follow as he is a bit shy yet.