Nubs 1-26-10

Nubs is Trouble's brother. I received an email asking me if I still wanted Nubs about a week ago. I knew what my answer was but had to wait for hubs to get home for the final answer (dates back to me just picking up cats from pet stores and we were literally a zoo at one point with 6 cats and 1 dog). He agreed so we arranged to pick up Nubs this past Sunday. We took Trouble with us to visit his mommy and former family. While they were excited to see Trouble, he was a bit cankerous and was not having any part of anyone, including his mother.
Nubs' first night was that of a newborn although he is almost 6 months old. He was either hissing and fighting with Trouble or crying all night long. His 2nd night was a bit better with no crying but he and Trouble decided that it was time for chasing each other, especially if it involved running over hubs and I who were trying to sleep. The final straw came with one of them running across the dresser and knocking over my IHome system with my IPod in it and knocking over the CD tower filled with CD's. They both were put into the bathroom and the door was shut. We listened to them crying for a bit but they eventually settled down. Nubs weighs 7.5 pounds, a full 2 pounds over Trouble so it looks like Nubs will be a larger cat than Trouble. His tail is very short hence his name Nubs. It actually curls back into itself thus making the end of the tail look huge in relationship to the rest of it.
So after 3 days now, Nubs is settling in. He still prefers being around me and fights Trouble for a spot to lay right on top of me. He's hard to get a picture of since he's so dark gray but the above was one of the first that has turned out. I put his baby pic up there too. But Trouble and Nubs follow each other around everywhere - they are new best buds and if you can find one, the other is close by.
Here is an updated pic of Trouble:

They are now double trouble!