So how many of you got this yesterday and responded?
“Hi gals……..had this sent to me ……some fun for us only…just write in ya status the color of ya bra nothing else just the color. and send this on by inbox only to all ya female friends NO MALES it will be neat to see if this spreads the wings of breast cancer awareness. it will also be fun to see how long it takes all the men to wonder why all the girls have a color as their status”
I did but my answer was a double entendre. My answer was nude. Yes that was the color of the bra I was wearing.
I wonder if this all started by a man. I wonder how fast it would take for males to respond with the color of their undies? For what? Testicular cancer? Prostate Cancer?
But you know what I didn't do? Think about breast cancer. But wait - wasn't that supposedly the point of the exercise? No one yet knows who started this, but it has been rumored that the original message was: "virtually flash the world in the name of supporting medical research, and to forward the note only to other female friends, and to be aware of breasts". Nary a mention of breast cancer.
In today's world of showing everyone everything and even bras used as outerwear, this was in reality pretty childish. I know I got a kick out of it at first. So after all this, why did I end up describing my lingerie on Facebook anyway? I guess for the same reason anyone posts anything on Facebook: I wanted a little attention. Y'know, for sick people aka my sick friends and to feel a part of a group.
But what I didn't think of is breast cancer and I of all people should have. Personally I have one aunt who died from it, another aunt who had a bilateral mastectomy for it, 3 cousins with it, loads of friends who have it, and even I had a 9 core biopsy a year ago. But it suckered me in. Just goes to show you that the level of IQ goes down the more people who are involved.
On a side note - the funniest story about this (or what the color you posted really says about you): http://funnycrave.com/what-your-bra-color-facebook-status-update-says-about-you/7963/