Sometimes I love Fridays (most of my doctor's appointments are on Fridays which are the bad Fridays although I really like my doctor - it's just that I have a super lot of pain afterward and am a real crab). Today was good and bad. I had an appointment and the tie dye cast came off. Was x-rayed which showed the 2 huge screws still in place and neither leg bone broke so that's good. What wasn't good was the area behind the ankle on the outside was still painful and super swollen. So the doctor injected plain Lidocaine (numbing shot) into the area (3 separate shots) until the area went numb so he could tell where the pain was coming from. We learned it could be from the sural nerve which might have to be removed since it hasn't healed in the 2 years and after 3 cortisone shots.
But he doesn't want me back in the cast until after the next surgery which is scheduled for 2-11-10 but I can't put any weight on the leg or foot at all either. I can however, shave the 2 inch long dark black hairs that have sprouted and lather it in Crisco shortening until the skin is back soft and smooth and isn't flaky or rough or crappy. I can even wash the leg.....imagine that.
So kinda excited although extra careful since I no longer have the cast if I fall. Tomorrow daughter is having a Pampered Chef party so I will be attending that and otherwise, plan on finishing this series of books I have been reading so I can give a review on them........it's a super good series and I can't wait to tell you about them!
Have a good weekend!