Then these are also precious pictures where Trouble sleeps and is angelic and has adopted a Ty Beanie Baby kitten as his snugglie thing to sleep with:

He has a tendency to sleep and be angelic most of the day and at 10:00pm or when I go to bed, he decides to bring out his demon side and is running around nutso. He will settle back down while there are no lights on but come sunrise, he's up and therefore everyone is up.
If he can't get your attention, he does what he did to me this morning when I dared to sleep past 9am - I keep a glass of water on the headboard behind my head. I have learned that to Trouble - if I have food it's his and if I have water it's his. Everything is his! Well, I thought I had gotten the water covered enough for him not to get into it and it seemed like it was working since he was leaving it alone. I guess sleeping in he didn't like so he decided to get me back. He got the lid off and dumped an entire glass of water on top of me. I became the drowned rat.
Oh that's not all......I hop on the scooter to get a towel in the bathroom and step in liquid. I look down. Liquid is yellow. Seems he pushed the top of the litter box off and instead of peeing in the litter box, he peed on the floor. So yes, I stepped in pee while I was still dripping wet.
He's been banned from being around me today. The litter box is banned from our bathroom - he's big enough to use the main one on the main floor.
And no, I was not happy. And no, I didn't take a picture of me!