Today's sermon was really interesting (I watched on television this morning since I am not allowed out of the house except to go to work part time and to see the doctor). In Luke 2:4-50 we are reminded of something that all parents can relate to - Mary and Joseph 'lost' Jesus at the age of 12. Naturally they were frantic and after 3 days of searching for Him, they finally found Him in the temple courts, amazing everyone who heard Him. When Jesus was asked by Mary and Joseph how he could have done this to them, He responded: "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in My Father's house?" Later on in verse 50, Mary and Joseph did not understand what He was saying to them. It shows that Jesus knew that He had to be in His Father's house and that Mary and Joseph should know that. When we are at our best, that is where we dwell.
I remember when my son was 4 and he and I went Christmas shopping (this was back in the days when I actually started early and finished early - those long ago days). I had gone into 'Children's Place' and was picking out clothing for the kids. Son was playing on their playground. I turned around and he was gone. I screamed. Security people came running (yes they were dressed as ordinary shoppers). Woodfield Mall was closed down. I gave them a description of what he was wearing. This was before cell phones so I had no way of notifying my husband. After 30 minutes and I had gone through 12 lives and added 1000 gray hairs, the security people found son. He was next door to where we were in their stockroom, instructing them on how to put together a Brio train set properly. When the security officer asked if he was lost, he gave them an emphatic NO. When they asked if he knew where I was, he replied in a exasperated tone - "Of course I do. She's next door picking out dumb clothes."
When I was listening to today's sermon and the pastor asked if we as parents could relate to how Mary and Joseph felt, my mind went totally to that incident and said to myself - absolutely. But then I thought some more. I was not raising Jesus. But like Jesus, son knew exactly what he was doing and why.
The story of Solomon shows us more. Solomon asked for wisdom and the guidance of the Father to help him lead others rather than all the other things that he could have had by himself....and then Solomon received it all. In asking to be fed by God in wisdom, he received the full measure of blessing.
Paul tells us that we were meant to be here....in God's house and that Jesus' intent was to have the wisdom of God and we are predestined for every spiritual blessing and if we are, we will receive the fullness of all He has for us.
How Blessed that makes us!