What is interesting is analyzing others signatures. Here are a few examples:

In President Kennedy's handwriting we see a very fast movement and decisiveness. In the handwriting we can see strong angles, especially in the upper zone which pertains to ideas, principles and ambitions. On the other hand his signature is a bit smaller than the writing, which indicates humbleness. When looking carefully into the signature, we can see that the last letter "y" looks like a shield. This shield shows that the person is more sensitive than what is presented on his outside appearance. In order to protect himself, he puts this shield between himself and the world.

Lincoln's signature is a slight bit larger than his handwriting. Both the text and the signature, are very well organized and meticulous. A similarity between the handwriting and the signature shows that the person we see outside is exactly the same person in the inside. Usually it shows honesty and high integrity.

Bill Clinton's signature is the same size as his handwriting. He places his signature very closely to the text itself. This shows modesty and a tremendous sense of belonging to society. He does not separate himself from his people and feels that he and his country are one. He takes upon himself a great deal of responsibility as if he needs to fulfill a mission.

Disney animates his letters. His signature exhibits much vitality, lightness, humor, and movement, just like his many cartoons.

The last is Charles Manson - his handwriting possesses only a few schizoid signs, however, there are strange unnecessary lines. His signature is buried underneath covering lines and it looks like a signatures.
"Schizoid" signs are those signs in handwriting analysis that all serial killers seem to have in common.
The obvious element would be the total separation between intellect and emotion and between "ego" and super-"ego", otherwise they would not have been capable of committing such crimes. Most of them show lack of judgement and yet possess well developed planning skills and good self-control.
All the schizoid murderers share something in common with the rest of the schizoid types.
1.The charming type - they usually have personal charm through which they manage to contact their victims and gain trust.
2.The ambitious type - They have strong ambitions otherwise they would not risk their lives and freedom.
3.The security man - They have the ability to keep their secret to themselves, often they follow their victim, plan the murder or the assault almost always on their own without sharing it with others.
4.The obsessive - All the serial murderers obsessively repeat their horrible crimes.
5.The criminal - They have a captivating charm and an ability to pretend and conceal their true intentions. They can lie without even a blink and completely lack conscience.
6.The destructive type - Their destructive instinct causes them to murder and by killing they destroy their victims and in most cases themselves as well.
7.We can conclude that the murderer share characteristics with all the types. Their characteristics are at a high leveled and extremely twisted.
Graphic signs of the Schizoid
■Vigilant and tense handwriting
■Extremely strong pressure
■Extremely wide spaces between words or identical to the spaces between letters
■Covering strokes
■Emphasized upper zone
■Left of upright slant
■Tense strokes
■High upper zone
■Large or extreme height differentials
■At times - a weak stroke
■Secondary narrowness
■Angular connections
■Similar to the "autistic type" by Odem
■Emphasize of the beginning
■Rhythmic writing
■Covering the whole page
■Strange ending of letters
■"Invented" letters
■Twisted letters
■Broken letters
■Corrections, especially "artistic corrections"
■Abundance of punctuation marks or lack of them
■Slow writing
■Peculiarities and exaggeration
■Printed letters
No, I am not going to analyze my own signature but I will state that I have analyzed the signatures of quite a few of my friends. **insert evil laugh** Are you one?
hi there. nice bolg. you have shared useful information. keep up the good work! this blog is really interesting and gives good details.
Handwriting analysis
Humans have taste buds
They feel taste due to that.
there are yet more buds not considered as yet
With signature buds you can interpret the persona of the signhee
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