"We choose our own destiny. All men are created equal. All men will not end up equal."
Glenn Beck
A friend of mine (Ferfe) posted that on Facebook and it got me thinking. I like Beck sometimes but then again I don't really know many political people I like all the time. There are definite times I don't listen to what they have to say yet there are times they say something that just hits me. This quote was one of those times.
I believe in my own destiny which is ruled by a strong belief in what can be, not in what it could have been. I fully believe everyone can change their destiny since we always have the option to change the way we think. I think that is why I like to listen to different ideas and opinions even if they don't always reflect what I think or believe. They give me a full picture and yes, those differing opinions can change what I believe and therefore change my destiny.
I am a child of an alcoholic in a long line of alcoholic relatives, both male and female. I choose not to drink so I have chosen my own destiny. I believe it is my choice on how to live my life, not any one else's. I take what others say and do and believe and if it fits my own belief system, I incorporate it into mine.
It's kinda like believing in God. People ask if I believe in God and most people say they do, but I question if they really do or do they just say it? Too many say the words but do they curse God when things don't go the way they want or do they look for God's reason on why He didn't grant that wish? Believing in God is full time. I put my faith in Him totally. He knows best.
Some people talk of Fate and Destiny as if they were one and the same thing. I don't happen to be one of those. Destiny is something we choose to go after.... Fate is something that happens to us. I do believe God has a plan for each of us and it's up to us if we chose His plan or venture off on our own.
That's why I liked Glen Beck's quote: "We choose our own destiny. All men are created equal. All men will not end up equal."
It is our Spirituality - a deep inner need. It is something that drives us to do what seems impossible. It is something that nurtures us with hope in our darkest moments. It enables us to dream of better things. This is our Spiritual Destiny - our belief in God where He resides in a place where we find our fulfillment. And how Glorious is the day we find that peace and that belief.