Zone in handwriting analysis means going back to the basics of cursive writing - remember that? Well, here's a reminder:

So in cursive writing for example there is the baseline which is the line we use for all words. For some letters (b, d, f, h, k, l, and t) go into the upper zone while other letters go into the lower zone (f, g, j, p, q, y and z). Some go into both the upper and lower zones (f and j). Each zone should be the same size or the upper zone is the same size as the middle zone which is the same size as the lower zone. So now we are going to look at that sample and examine the zones of the person's writing.
Tall Upper Zone: In this handwriting, the upper zone letters will be taller and therefore out of proportion to the other zones. This would indicate that the person is intellectual, has abstract thinking, is spiritual, has idealism, is ambitious, is aspiring, has a lot of pride, is formal, has mental curiousity, and can be a dreamer.
Short Upper Zone: This handwriting shows a upper zone letter to be shorter than normal. This person is self-reliant, wants to set their own direction, is independent, is practical, shuns theory and speculation, is mundane, and unaspiring.
Long Lower Zone: This handwriting shows a long lower zone than normal. This person tolerates routine, is a conformist, is easily satisfied, is non-competitive, sedentary, has a rapid energy drop off, and is apathetic.
Short Lower Zone: This handwriting shows a shorter than normal lower zone. This person sets goals, has a lot of drive and determination, is earthy, enjoys change and variety, is restless, is easily bored, and scatters energy.
Tall Middle Zone: This handwriting shows a larger than normal middle zone. This person is confident, striving, ambitious, enterprising, power seeking, and egotistical.
Balanced Zone: This handwriting has all 3 zones the same or equal. This person is mature, well-rounded, has a balanced nature, is orderly, is calm and level headed, and can seem indifferent.
Tall Upper Zone with No Lower Zone: This handwriting shows no letters in the lower zone even if they are supposed to be there. This person has a lot of pride and intelligence, is a theorist, conscientious, superficial, lacks stamina, is a dreamer, is impractical, and is an escapist.
Long Lower Zone with No Upper Zone: This handwriting shows no upper zone letters even if they are supposed to be there (even capital letters are in the middle zone). This person is self-reliant, earthy, is a realist, is non-intellectual, priceless, bored by theory and speculation, and has a limited conscience.
Full Upper Zone: This handwriting shows the upper zone letters to be fuller than normal. You also might notice that there is also little to no lower zone as those letters are kept mostly in the middle and upper zones and each letter is then fuller or wider than normal. This person is easily fatigued, unhappy, pessimistic, melancholic, depressed, and has negative thinking.
Narrow Upper Zone: This handwriting shows the upper zone letters to be narrow instead of normal size. This person is conservative, is a realist, is uncompromising, is sober, and has repressed thinking.
Full Lower Zone: This handwriting shows the lower zone letters to be larger or fuller than normal. This person is security minded, social, has a material imagination, is ambitious, is flexible, is resourceful and creative, is physical and sensual.
Narrow Lower Zone: This handwriting shows the lower zone letters to be narrow than normal size. This person is factual, picks friends with care, is guarded, is a perfectionist, is inhibited, has suppressed emotions, and shuns imagination.