This is the cursive letter we are going to talk about - the capital Y and lower case y (at least this is the way we were taught to make said Y).
So let's examine the sexual aspects of the lower zone of both the capital Y and lower case y. They usually look the same and if not, then you are ambivalent about your sexual aspects.
If your lower y looks like the above, you have a warm and receptive nature free of fear and inhibition and you are flexible.
If your lower y had a long plunge part of the y that ends with no loop back up, then you are determined, firm, aggressive, and sometimes defensive,
If your lower y has an unfinished loop (it starts to come back up but doesn't come all the way up), you are unrealistic, possibly wishful, and according to you, your sexual expectations are unfulfilled.
If your lower y look comes up and has a downward ending, you are easily discouraged, depressed, or you have anger toward your current sexual partner.
Now for other sexual aspects for the lower zone of both the capital and little case y:
If your y is shorter in the lower zone than what it should be (it should encompass the middle and lower zone), then you are inhibited but likes routine, have short-lived endurance, are practical and are sedentary.
If your y is longer in the lower zone than what it should be, then you are restless, determined, a realist, easily bored, and you want change and variety.
If your y is fuller in the lower zone than normal, then you are materialistic, physical, social, and have a good imagination.
If your y is narrow in the lower zone, then you have limited imagination, very choosy in selecting friends, and have a repressed spontaneity.
If your y looks like a stick in the lower zone, then you are focused and unmaterialistic, you delegate easily, and you limit your intimacy.
If your y has a large curved unfinished loop in the lower zone, you are affectionate, gentle, musical, meditative, reactive, and romantic.
If your y has a triangle looking loop in the lower zone, you are aggressive, tyrannical, prudish, argumentative, show anxiety, and always vie for the upper hand.
If your y has a loop on the upstroke of the middle zone, then you are sympathetic, need to suffer, are a martyr, and are full of hypocrisy.
If your y has a high spiked upstroke of the middle zone, you have curiosity, are opinionated, argumentative, and are aggressive (maybe a good dom?).
So does your handwriting say about you?
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