Legibility: This pretty much means what it says. Are you able to read the sample or not?
Legible: This is indicative of a clear communicator who has a desire to be understood, is sincere, is a good pupil, is a good teacher or instructor.
Illegible: This indicated a non-communicative person and/or secret person, can have a speedy mind, is careless, is distrustful, and is usually more of an executive type.

Printing: Yes, one can even analyze the person who prints their sample even though all the other points still correspond to their sample.
Printed: This person is less spontaneous, has a desire to be understood, deals with facts and figures, is good with projects and planning, and limits show of emotion.
Connected: Yes even printing can connect. This person is friendly, has common sense, is logical, thorough, fluid, persistent, and systematic.
Disconnects: This person is intuitive, interpretive, instinctual, has unseen logic, and is resourceful.
Line Direction: This looks at the zone baseline but pertaining to a line or the whole page.
Straight: This person is steady, goal-directed, persistent, even tempered, is reliable, stable, and has willpower.
Rising: This person's lines will 'rise' or go upward on the paper. They are optimistic, ambitious, cheerful, initiative, restless, and a positive thinker.
Falling: This person's lines will 'fall' or go downward on the paper. They are easily fatigued, unhappy, pessimistic, melancholy, prone to depression and negative thinking.
Wavy: This person's lines will go up and down. They are flexible, versatile, lively, emotional, inconsistent, instability, moody, and weak minded.