Today we will discuss the "I's" and yet to come is the sex part (yes there is actually a cursive letter that will tell you but more on that maybe tomorrow).
The capital 'I' will tell you the most about the relationship between you and your mother and father. Yep, not kidding!
This is a normal cursive 'I' (at least the way you were taught), both in upper case and lower case.

First we will start with the cursive capital 'I'. The upper part (loop) of the I relates to your mother. The bottom part (loop) of the I relates to your father.
So if you have a normal upper loop and little lower loop, your mother had a strong influence on you while your father had little influence on you.
If you have little upper loop and a normal lower loop, your father had a strong influence on you and your mother had little influence on you.
If your upper loop is pointy, you have/had a critical mother.
If your lower loop is pointy, you have/had a critical father.
If your upper loop is larger than normal, you had an emotional mother.
If your lower loop is larger than normal, you probably did not have a mother or she died when you were young.
Now let's take a look at the small 'i'.
If you dotted your little i with a round dot, you are patient, loyal, have a good memory, are accurate and precise, and are a perfectionist.
If you dotted your little i with a circle dot (large dot), you like to be different, are a non-conformist, are artistic, and are imaginative.
If you dotted your little i with a dash as your dot, you have a lot of mental energy, are enthusiastic but hurried, and are irritated with trivia.
If you dotted your little i with a left placed dot (meaning the dot is to the left of the i), you live in the past, you are cautious, insecure, procrastinate, and are full of fear.
If you dotted your little i with a right placed dot (meaning the dot is to the right of the i), you are energetic, progressive, have a quick mind, are future-oriented, impulsive, and impatient.
If you are missing your dot on top of your little i, you are above trivia, you are careless, you are inconsiderate, and you have a poor memory.
If you dot your little i with a heart, you are below the age of 18.