Today we will analyze the width, connections of each letter, pressure of the handwriting.
1. Width of the letters:
a. Wide writing means one is expansive, uninhibited, receptive, open, gregarious, warm, and generous.
b. Narrow writing means one is conservative, usually has restricted views, has an inner strength, is inhibited, and is fearful.
2. Connections of each letter:
a. Garland is when each letter is connected to the next letter by a garland style. This means the person is adaptable, cooperative, friendly, tolerant, easy-going, empathetic, and sincere.

b. Arcade is when each cursive letter stands by itself. This means the person is formal, serious, distant, protective, private, unspontaneous, artistic, and has good aptitude.

c. Angle is when each letter is very pointy and crisp. This means the person is analytical, direct, reliable, critical, demanding, conscientious, uncompromising, aggressive, fault-finding, stubborn, and inflexible.

d. Thread is when each letter sometimes connects but not always as there are breaks in the letters of the word. This means the person is indefinite, adaptable, creative, diplomatic, intuitive, impressionable, avoids, friction, wants peace, yielding, and elusive.

3. Pressure of the lettering:
a. Heavy pressure indicates vitality, reserve energy, lasting, emotional memory, loves luxury, strong likes and dislikes, forgives but can't forget.
b. Light pressure indicates resilient, sensitive, delicacy, forgiving and forgetting, spiritual, limited energy reserves.
As always, remember not to take one word as the ultimate. You have to see patterns of the same writing in order to analyze properly. There can be variations therefore between each category. I know that the things I feel the strongest about and have the most influence might have heavier pressure than most of my writing so I would fall in both categories and have traits of both for pressure. I also vary between garland and threading. My letters in each word are neither wide nor narrow.