Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Quote

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

I think a few members of my family need this.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Inspirational Sunday - Stop Look Listen

From Ralph Marston and one of my favorite links:
When you place too many conditions on your enjoyment of life, there is no enjoyment. You can end up working so much to get the conditions just right, that there's no time left to really enjoy yourself.

Let go of the need to have everything just so. Simply and fully enjoy being where you are.

In every moment there is beauty. Rather than striving to make that beauty into what you think it should be, just enjoy it as it is.

Happiness is not something you must prove. Find enjoyment in simply letting it flow.

Instead of working to do happy, be happy. See that the possibilities for joy are far greater than anything you could ever contrive.

There is plenty of joy to be lived in this moment. Let the uniqueness of the moment help you discover new ways of tasting life's real pleasures.

This is a hard concept to actually do - take joy in the simple pleasures. I try to remember to remind myself to look around and see things that I normally wouldn't see. We all get busy in life and forget to stop, look, and listen.

Right now I am having a hard time getting up the enthusiasm and energy to attend a family reunion this coming weekend. It will be the first one after my mother's death. I am still not walking much and am still in pain with the ankle. I got yelled at by the knee doctor who told me I was doing way too much too fast for just a little more than a week after surgery. Plus everyone planned the food without me and I can't eat one thing on their menu which consists of salty and preservative ridden deli meat, breads that contain wheat, and then Italian beef that is super spicy along with salty chips and high fat food. They used an email address that I have repeatedly told them to delete. So I am now planning on something for son, husband and I to bring and eat. Kinda overwhelming when I can barely walk or be up for any length of time.

But the quote says to stop, look and listen. I then thought of bringing some puzzles - 100 piece and sit and do them with some of my nieces and nephews which would keep me sitting and them entertained. I also can't wait to see my one cousin who is coming up that I haven't seen in over 10 years although we talk about once a month on the phone. Frankly though I am not looking forward to seeing some of my family yet being around them for 2-3 days.

Every time I have stopped, looked, and listened, I see the simple things and somehow they explode into many things that will find pleasure in not only my life, my husband's life, but other's lives as well. I just have to keep this quote in my brain and keep repeating it the whole weekend.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Pillars of the Earth - New TV Miniseries

I watched the 1st episode of the miniseries last night and so far the series is as good as the book. Many times I have found books I have read which are made into movies have never followed the book and instead even will change the storyline. I was worried about this one too since early reviews had stated Ken Follett's novel had been changed for the miniseries. Critics had said "there was more melodrama, different conclusions and a busy, overstuffed feeling to it."

I actually didn't find that to be true so far. It pretty well followed the book and while some scenes from the book were left out, I didn't think it changed the storyline from the book. I think it might have confused a few people since some explanations were left out of who was who but don't worry - it was the same in the book. Bit by bit it all gets explained and there are reasons why the reveal was done at that time.

So a big thumbs up from me!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stupid things I have done

I didn't want to take over another person's blog with all the stupid things I have done so decided to let it all out here.

A dear friend was lamenting that she had forgotten to do something and felt so bad about it, especially since it was something important.

Well, I am Queen of forgetting things. To not forget things, I became post it Queen yet I have been known to lose my post-it notes. So on the advice of a consultant at a seminar I recently attended, she suggested carrying around a legal pad so all your notes are on one page. Ok well now I have to design one that links around my waist because I keep misplacing that pad. One day I will work it out. One day.

Back to some of my worst brain fog thangs. Dear friends were celebrating their 25th anniversary and their children planned this beautiful surprise party for them complete with a renewal of their wedding vows at their church. I had the date and time on the master schedule which is online and synced daily with my PDA. I had it on my things to do list for that week. I had gone out and gotten them a present. Hubs and I went. No one was there. So we figured there were no cars because it was a surprise and they parked elsewhere. Logical, right? So hubs dropped me off in the pouring rain and went to park on the street next to the church and walked back. Well, the doors of the church were locked. So back to the car we went thinking we had the wrong church. The one we went to was the church they now attend and maybe it was at the church they got married in which happens to be the same name. So we went home to get the invitation and found out we were: Right Time. Right church. Wrong date. We missed it by a week.

Another time my hubs went to CA for a seminar. I stayed home to get some work done and to rest my foot. Another friend was having a surprise 60th birthday party. I was going to attend and had rsvp'd and had already arranged for a ride. Well, I totally forgot all about it and was cleaning out our walkin closet so didn't hear the phone nor the knock on the front door. I realized a few days later I had totally forgotten about it. But my closet got cleaned!

So please tell me I am not the only one.

Recipe Thursday - Esterhazy Torte

I actually had never heard of this dessert before until I posted it on my old blog and got so many hits on it, I decided to repost it here. One of my English pals says it is scrumptious. I will take his word on it and might make it myself one day for my husband and kids (I don't have a sweet tooth).

Here is a pic:

I found quite a few recipes but they were all in a language totally foreign to me. I tried translating a few on my own and the recipe became totally lost in translation - I think at one point it translated some of the ingredients as: 8 Protein, 200 g Puderzucker, 1 Lemon (n), of it the bowl, 1 Msp. Zimt, of it the bowl....and I stopped cuz I had no idea what they were talking about. I never heard of puderzucker or zimt but they don't sound appetizing. So I searched and found one that was translated into English.

Esterhazy torte
10 egg whites
7/8 cup vanilla sugar
2 1/8 cups ground blanched hazelnuts (about 8 1/2 ounces)
1/4 cup finely chopped glace citron
1/2 cup twice-sifted flour
Esterhazy Butter Cream (1/2 recipe)
Apricot Jam Glaze
Chocolate Fondant Frosting

Beat egg whites and sugar until very stiff. fold in nuts and citron, lightly but thoroughly. Fold in flour, lightly but thoroughly. Spread batter on baking sheets in five equal layers. Cut out 5 (8-inch circles) of baking parchment paper and set these on baking sheets, two circles to a sheet. Or Generously butter and flour the baking sheets; with an 8-inch cake pan, mark out two circles on each sheet. Now, with a rubber spatula, spread batter as thinly as possible over either parchment or marked-out circles.
Bake in slow oven (300 degrees F) about 3/4 hour or until layers are done and lightly golden.

When cake layers are done, immediately with sharp knife and pancake turner lift them off baking sheet and invert onto floured flat surface. If you used parchment paper, peel it off immediately, carefully.

Let layers rest overnight or until completely cold and firm. Set one layer on cake plate, shiny side up; spread with one-quarter of the butter cream. Repeat until all cake layers and butter cream are used up, ending with a cake layer shiny side down (underside will be smoother, thus a better surface to take the frosting. Spread top of cake with Jam Glaze. Cover entire cake with frosting.

Jam Glaze (generally apricot jam): Put 2 tablespoons jam through a sieve or food mill so there are no pieces of fruit in it. Simmer jam with 1 tablespoon cold water, over low flame, until hot and well blended. with pastry brush, spread glaze over cake.


You can always add an extra egg yolk or two to any butter cream to make it especially luscious. But one classic, ineffable Viennese butter-cream recipe--this one--traditionally demands high proportion of egg yolks. Not to mention the epicurean kiss of fine French brandy as a flavoring.

4 egg yolks
1 cup milk
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar (bend a vanilla bean and place in a covered container of granulated sugar for a few days
3/4 cup (3/8 pound) butter
1 cup powdered vanilla sugar or plain powdered sugar if you don't have vanilla one (confectioners' icing)
1-2 tablespoons Cognac or Brandy

In top of double boiler, over barely simmering water, whisk together yolks, milk, cornstarch, and sugar until mixture is thick and creamy (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat and continue whisking until lukewarm. Set aside to cool. Cream butter and powdered sugar until very light and fluffy. Gradually beat in cooled egg-yolk mixture, by spoonfuls, keeping butter cream fluffy. Beat in Cognac. Chill to spreading consistency. Spread between layers of Esterhazy torte (use the other 1/2 recipe for other cakes.

So there you go. I am re-giving all you searchers the recipe.

Book Review - Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

One of my dearest friends loaned me this book. I started it and finished it in one day. I have to say it is right up there with one of the best ones I have ever read. I will definitely read others from this author.

Best known for tackling controversial issues through richly told fictional accounts, Jodi Picoult's 14th novel, Nineteen Minutes, deals with the truth and consequences of a small town high-school shooting. Set in Sterling, New Hampshire, Picoult offers reads a glimpse of what would cause a 17-year-old to wake up one day, load his backpack with four guns, and kill nine students and one teacher in the span of nineteen minutes. As with any Picoult novel, the answers are never black and white, and it is her exceptional ability to blur the lines between right and wrong that make this author such a captivating storyteller.

That pretty well sums it all up. This author gets into each and every person involved in the shooting - the victims, their families, the injured, the teachers, and the law enforcement. It raises serious moral questions about the relationship between the weak and the strong, the in crowd and misfits; how these children become who they are, and how we can help and understand.

I liked her quotes and readings before each chapter but you should know I am a sucker for quotes. Here's one:
If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going.
- Chinese proverb.

In today's society, does anyone think that this line of blurring between right and wrong doesn't happen even through adult life? Look at the so called 'blog wars'. Look at the parents who go bonkers if their child's team doesn't win. Look at how we have this need to be best, first, most popular, etc. Look at how we exit church and who is first in line. When was the last time you said hello to your neighbors or looked at who is sitting next to you? When did we get so paranoid in some ways yet so distant in others? I highly recommend this book for everyone. The parallels are electrifying.

Another point: one thing I consistently tell parents that I don't care how much you THINK your child is telling you everything, they don't. You didn't to your parents. Don't fool yourself into thinking they will/do too. They don't. They keep a great many things from you. Some of those were pointed out in the book. If you are lucky, one day after a few bottles of wine or a couple pitchers of margaritas, you might find out some things that had gone on with your child during their school years. Then again, maybe not.

I leave you with this from the last chapter:
I think a person's life is supposed to be like a DVD. You can see the version everyone else sees, or you can choose the director's cut - the way he wanted you to see it, before everything else got in the way. There are menus, probably, so that you can start at the good spots and not have to relive the bad ones. You can measure your life by the number of scenes you've survived, or the minutes you've been stuck there. Probably, though, life is more like one of those dumb video surveillance tapes. Grainy, no matter how hard you stare at it. And looped: the same thing, over and over.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bow Chicka Bow Bow

Have any of you ever heard of this? Supposedly it has become the universal lyrics for having sex. Supposedly if you say those 4 words to anyone, they will know exactly what you are talking about.

I must be old. I had no idea. I did do a google search though on the words. Lo and behold I learned something!

Google only took 0.12 seconds to come up with about 116,000 results. Urban dictionary has this definition: "getting it on in the bedroom no matter what the occasion".

Okay, have I been under a rock? I have never heard of it. Supposedly it originated from the following video of Jordan Brady in the 1980's. Oh yeah, now I realize why I didn't know that phrase - I was having babies and listening to Sesame Street or Mr Roger's who I am sure never had bow-chicka-bow-bow.
Jordan Brady - Porno
Futurama New EpisodesIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaRussell Simmons Stand-Up Comedy

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Inspirational Sunday - Favorite Religious Songs

They were both played during church this morning. There is nothing better than a favorite song to just mellow one out. These are just 2 of my favorites.

This first one is "How Great Thou Art":

This next one is "On Eagle's Wings":

Both were loved by my mother also and were played at her service.

Family Secrets

Family members are usually expected to keep problems a secret. Why is that? Why should one show one face to the public and another face to their family? I hate games. I hate pretense.

But what does one do when the 'family' decides that this secret has to remain a secret even within the family and this secret has a lot to do with who and what you are and why you are the person you are?

Such is the dilemma I face and actually why I closed down my other blog and started this one. Somehow family found my other blog and the wrath came down and one of my sisters became this sanctimonious person who decided at my age I needed a mother since ours died.

How can one deny their past? You can't. Now let's add an already dysfunctional family with a stressful circumstance (death of my mother) and you get really bad dysfunction.

So what is family dysfunction?
Family dysfunction can be any condition that interferes with healthy family functioning. Most families have some periods of time where functioning is impaired by stressful circumstances (death in the family, a parent's serious illness, etc.). Healthy families tend to return to normal functioning after the crisis passes. In dysfunctional families, however, problems tend to be chronic and children do not consistently get their needs met. Negative patterns of parental behavior tend to be dominant in their children's lives.

So what is the difference between a healthy family (the one I have between my husband and kids)? Well, contrary to opinion, healthy families are not perfect. They may have yelling, bickering, misunderstanding, tension, hurt, and anger - but not all the time. In healthy families emotional expression is allowed and accepted. Family members can freely ask for and give attention. Rules tend to be made explicit and remain consistent, but with some flexibility to adapt to individual needs and particular situations. Healthy families allow for individuality; each member is encouraged to pursue his or her own interests, and boundaries between individuals are honored.

But more important, children are consistently treated with respect, and do not fear emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. Parents can be counted on to provide care for their children. Children are given responsibilities appropriate to their age and are not expected to take on parental responsibilities. Finally, in healthy families everyone makes mistakes; mistakes are allowed. Perfection is unattainable, unrealistic, and potentially dull and sterile.

The family I grew up in was dysfunctional. Not only was my father an alcoholic but he was physically and emotionally abusive to me and my mother was an enabler and emotionally abusive. Frankly I never heard my parents tell me they loved me until just a few years ago. All I heard was that nothing I ever did was as good as my perfect sister (yeah, the same one who decided she needed to become my mother).

The family of an alcoholic tends to be chaotic and unpredictable. Rules that apply one day don't apply the next. Promises are neither kept nor remembered. Expectations vary from one day to the next. Parents may be strict at times and indifferent at others. In addition, emotional expression is frequently forbidden and discussion about the alcohol use or related family problems is usually nonexistent. Family members are usually expected to keep problems a secret, thus preventing anyone from seeking help. All of these factors leave children feeling insecure, frustrated, and angry.

Abuse can be verbal, physical, or sexual. Verbal abuse - such as frequent belittling criticism - can have lasting effects, particularly when it comes from those entrusted with the child's care. Criticism can be aimed at the child's looks, intelligence, capabilities, or basic value. Some verbal abusers are very direct, while others use subtle put-downs disguised as humor. Both types are just as damaging.

Definitions of physical abuse vary widely. Many parents, at one time or another, have felt the urge to strike their child. With physically abusive parents, however, the urge is frequent and little effort is made to control this impulse. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines physical abuse as "the infliction of physical injuries such as bruises, burns, welts, cuts, bone or skull fractures; these are caused by kicking, punching, biting, beating, knifing, strapping, paddling, etc."

Striking a child has much to do with meeting the parent's emotional needs and nothing to do with concern for the child; parents often erroneously justify the abuse as "discipline" intended to "help" the child. Physically abusive parents can create an environment of terror for the child, particularly since violence is often random and unpredictable. Abused children often feel anger. Children of abusive parents have tremendous difficulties developing feelings of trust and safety even in their adult lives.

While parents may justify or rationalize verbal or physical abuse as discipline aimed at somehow helping the child, there is no rationalization for sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is the most blatant example of an adult abusing a child purely for that adults own gratification. Interesting enough, I was the only one who was physically or emotionally abused. I became the scapegoat.

But, many of the survival behaviors I developed are my best assets. For example, people who grow up in dysfunctional families often have finely tuned empathy for others; they are often very achievement-oriented and highly successful in some areas of their lives; they are often resilient to stress and adaptive to change. In examining changes you may want to make in yourself, it is important not to lose sight of your good qualities.

Patience is necessary! Negative effects from growing up in dysfunctional families often stem from survival behaviors that were very helpful when you were growing up, but may become problematic in your adult life. Remember that you spent years learning and practicing your old survival skills, so it may take awhile to learn and practice new behaviors.

Keep the focus on yourself and your behavior and reactions. Remember, you cannot change others, but you can change yourself. Work on avoiding entanglements in your family's problems. Alanon calls this "detachment." Counseling or support is usually crucial when trying to change family relationships. You are fighting a lifetime of training in getting hooked into their problems, usually including large doses of guilt. I attended Alcoa for quite a number of years.

It is also important to be patient with your family. They may find it difficult to understand and accept the changes they see in your behavior. While most families can be workable, undoubtedly there are some rare families who are far too dangerous or abusive to risk further contact.

So my family is toxic. Do I love them? Yes. Do I care for them? Yes. Do I want to be around them? Only for short periods of time otherwise I get pulled back into their toxic behavior and I become one of them again. I have worked too long and hard to be who I am to tolerate their crap.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Do you let someone know you are planning on visiting them?

This question came up yesterday when I happened to call my aunt in another state to say hello and why I wasn't going to be at the reunion this year (just had the knee surgery). She said well, that's good because I had forgotten the reunion on my father's side was this weekend anyway and she was headed to visit one of her sons and his family. I said well, then obviously you don't know that my father, one of my sisters and her daughter and her granddaughter, and one of my nieces will be at your house tomorrow (today). She said no - that no one had called her and I believe her.

This prompts a thought/discussion - do you let someone know you are planning on visiting them? I always do to make sure they are not only home but are up for visitors. I know that I hate unexpected visitors. There are just some days I do not want to see anyone especially if it is my only day off that week. I actually would be pretty pissed if someone showed up at my door, especially if they were from out of state.

So what are your thoughts on this? What would you do if someone showed up on your doorstep you didn't know was coming?

My answers I guess would depend if I wanted to see the visitors or not but pretty well I have not even bothered to answer the door - yes even for relatives and friends. My friends and my relatives know how I feel and if they choose to ignore my feelings, I choose to ignore the doorbell.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Recipe Thursday - Peach Crumb Cobbler (Diabetic)

As a note - when one of my dearest friends developed diabetes, his wife and I decided to do a dinner together for the 4 of us that was totally in his dietary restrictions but not tell either of the 2 guys who would say they could always tell if we 'lightened' the meal. We won that night. My friend made the appetizers and dinner and I provided the dessert. This dessert has the nutritional values at the bottom and I want everyone to realize - it doesn't taste like it has dietary restrictions. It totally fit into his diet. There was just one problem - I doubled the recipe so he could have leftovers for the next day and he ate them all in one day and never once realized it was a diabetic recipe.

2 cups fresh peaches, sliced
1/3 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons low-calorie margarine

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place the sliced peaches in the bottom of an 8x8x2-inch baking pan. In a small mixing bowl, combine the graham cracker crumbs, cinnamon and nutmeg; mix well.
Gradually blend in margarine and sprinkle mixture over peaches. Bake uncovered for 25to 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly before serving.
Serving size: 1/2 cup so this recipe makes 4 servings.
Each serving: has 1 fruit exchange, 74 Calories, 15g carbohydrates (2g fiber, 9g sugars), 1g protein, 2g fat, 0mg cholesterol, 57 mg sodium

PS - if they insist on ice cream to go with this dessert - do the old Girl Scout trick and spoon 2 tablespoons of plain lo-fat yogurt on the warm serving. They will never be able to tell this was yogurt and not ice cream unless they see you dish it up.

I still to this day have my husband request this recipe.

Still Hurting

Nothing to say but give me more drugs!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Torn Meniscus - Knee Arthroscopy

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday. I have been having knee problems since March but I had fallen off the scooter (the wheels hit one of those handicap 'nubs' and the scooter went one way and I went the other). Since I was protecting my right ankle, I landed on my left knee in much the same way as when I fell and messed up the right ankle 3 years ago. This time I dislocated the kneecap or at least that is what we thought I did. Kneecap was put back in place but wouldn't stay on its track. I finally broke down and saw an orthopedic doctor who diagnosed arthritis and put me in a brace and on exercises to strengthen and keep the knee in place.

I thought good - this should go away in a few weeks. I guessed wrong. Ended up a few weeks ago heading back to the ortho and getting an MRI which showed I had a torn meniscus. Yesterday I had arthroscopic knee surgery but had spinal anesthesia thus was awake the entire time. I heard no good jokes but told them one.

I was back home within a couple hours and thought this is a piece of cake compared to ankle surgery.

Today I am eating my words. Throughout all 6 ankle surgeries, I took maybe 45 pain pills total in 3 years. This knee surgery - 4 so far today. It flippen hurts. But can I just rest it? Oh no, I have to do exercises - 10 quadriceps muscle tightening exercises 10 times per hour, straight leg raises 10 times per hour, 10 ankle pumping exercises 10 per hour. Now those aren't THAT bad but the next set: bend your knee as much as you can, then straighten out the knee as much as possible at least 4 times an hour - those are killers.

I realize they are trying to get me back to normal as soon as possible but gotta say I am not normal and never will be and it hurts like a ...................

Book Review - Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult

I honestly have to say that this is the first Picoult book that I didn't read in one day, even one week. Why? I will tell you later.

Handle With Care is a typical Picoult book that uses thought-provoking, controversial topics, alternating points of view, and symbolism. In this book, the thought provoking controversial topic is about a child who was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (sometimes known as Brittle Bone Disease); the right to terminate a pregnancy if you knew beforehand your child has a disease; along with suing your best friend; and now add that to a child who learns her mother wishes she was never born; a sister who is forgotten and has emotional problems of her own; and a marriage disintegrating - all because of the mother's actions.

The alternating points of view include Willow (the 6 year old child who has OI and whose bones break at even a deep breath yet is older and wiser than anyone in the book), Amelia (the step-sister who is forgotten and becomes bulimic and cuts herself), Charlotte (a former pastry chef and the mother who decides to sue her doctor for wrongful birth), Sean (the father who is a policeman and against what his wife is doing and in fact testifies for the doctor), Piper (the doctor and close personal friend of Charlotte's), and Marin (the lawyer who takes on Charlotte's case and has her own personal issues going on).

The symbolism in this book: Willow's name (Willow was deliberately given this name because her parents knew before her birth that she would have OI and the name symbolized a willow tree's ability to bend and flow instead of breaking); in the discussion of various aspects of baking, such as folding, tempering, and weeping (added bonus of ten recipes inserted throughout the book); in the lawyer's search for her birth mother and finding out she was never wanted; and in the book cover where the ending is shown.

The lawsuit comes about when Charlotte, the mother, decides to sue her doctor for wrongful birth, claiming she should have caught the disease earlier in utero and recommended abortion. But it is not that Charlotte truly believes she would have aborted her baby because she did have that chance at the next ultrasound visit when the diagnosis was actually found. She did it for the money she would receive towards her daughter’s medical expenses. She had no thoughts on how this would affect her best friend who was the doctor, or her child who finds out that her mother didn't want her to be born, or the effect on her marriage, or what it was doing to her other daughter. I actually don't know who she thought she was doing it for and in my opinion, I don't think she knew either.

Okay, the problems I had with this book:
1. The recipes. I didn't get the symbolism because Charlotte was no longer a pastry chef. The cook/baker in me though, loved the recipes.

2. Wrongful death lawsuits. Ones like this, in my opinion, is what is wrong with health care today. I am not against a wrongful death lawsuit in a legitimate case but in this case, it is wrong.

3. Juries awarding money based on sympathy and not the facts of the case and to someone who has admitted on the stand that she did know about the OI and didn't abort.

4. Now let's top that with ruining the doctor's reputation. That award, even though never cashed, was given by the malpractice insurance thus insuring that Piper would never get malpractice insurance again without paying 20 times that amount herself from another carrier. Picoult thinks that this will earn sympathy from her readers - it won't from me. The damage was already done.

5. I think the biggest thing for me though - how does a mother stand up in public or in a courtroom and state that she wishes she had aborted her child and lie when doing it. What kind of mother would do that?

As you can tell, this book brought up many negative feelings. I would never recommend this book to anyone.

There were a few quotes I loved:

A dutiful mother is someone who follows every step her child makes. A good mother is someone whose child wants to follow her.

When you think you're right, you are most likely wrong.

Things that break - be they bones, hearts, or promises - can be put back together but will never really be whole.

In spite of what I said, you can miss a person you've never known. I learn this over and over again, every day I spend without you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How to pick a doctor

So how does one actually pick a doctor? That answer will vary from person to person. I remember just coming out of nursing school and this OB-GYN came highly recommended. I worked in CCU so had no idea what this guy even looked like but everyone raved about him so I made an appointment with him. There I am in the exam room stripped naked with only that paper thing around my chest and the paper sheet around my middle and I will admit I was daydreaming waiting on him. In walks this hunk.....and gosh do I mean a-one rated hunk. My mouth hit the floor and I dropped the sheet. He said, "Hi, I am Dr. J". I said I don't want you to examine me because I want to date you. Talk about a hunk! He laughed and said thanks. I said no I really mean it. I could not even let him touch me. I ended up with another doctor and to this day he will still razz me about that.

So advice #1: don't go to a really good looking doctor unless you are ok with that. I wasn't. I actually had no clue to what his credentials were. I just took what others said. That was where I made my mistake. Never ever go to anyone who is recommended to you without checking them out first.

Make sure they are board certified in the proper boards. There are 'internet' type board certifications out there for those people who can't pass the real ones. Make sure his certification is up to date and that he has recertified (most require this every 10 years). If he is stating he is a plastic surgeon, make sure his board certification is in plastic surgery, not in anything else.

Find out how long they have been on staff at a hospital (don't choose a doctor that seems to move around a lot). More important, make sure the hospital he is on staff at is rated in one of the top hospitals. There are more requirements for a doctor to get on staff there than say at a neighborhood hospital where they take anyone. Do not assume teaching hospitals are better. They may not be. Teaching hospitals are there to teach so you will have every level of resident come to peek in on you. One oncologist I had a consultation with was like that. I waited an hour to even get into a room, then I had 7 different residents come into my room asking me the same exact questions. By the time I got to the 4th one, I blew and said read the chart. I am sure they taught that in residency school. Plus if you have surgery at a teaching hospital, do not think your surgeon will do the surgery. Nope, a resident will (that's how they learn). That is one of the reasons I chose the hospital I did to have my procedure done. It did not have residents. I was guaranteed the person doing my surgery was who I chose.

Make sure they have a bedside manner and take time for you. I went to this one knee doctor who was supposedly the greatest and he checked out fine. But he had the bedside manner of a horse's ass. I never went back.

Take a list of questions with you. Do not leave until they are all answered. Don't let them intimidate you. I went to this one gastroenterologist who listened to me for 2 minutes then said well, we will do a little procedure and we will see then. Then he walked out the room. In comes the nurse with instructions on for an endoscopy. I asked what that was for. She said the doctor ordered it. I said well, I am not having anything done until he comes in and tells me what it is for. He popped his head back into the room and said, "I am the doctor". I said, "Nope you are fired." I walked out.

I have picked a doctor and loved him. Then he changed his office staff who were all pmsing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He refused to say anything to his staff so I dropped him. He finally got the message when he lost 90% of his business. Staff is important too.

Ask yourself these questions: Did they answer my questions completely? Do I feel comfortable or encouraged to ask questions or call with questions? Do they treat me with respect (gave me complete attention, did not dismiss my questions or concerns, asked me questions)? Did you ask for a second opinion and the doctor said there is no need. One of the best reasons for seeking a second opinion is if your doctor objects to it. If he objects, make sure that the second opinion comes from someone who is not associated with your doctor. Watch the doctors on your insurance plans. Do not assume the insurance company is out for your best interests and the doctors on staff are the best. Sometimes they are the dumbest because they are accepting a lower than normal payment plan while your insurance company pockets the difference. Can you make a same-day appointment with the doctor for a minor emergency such as a bee sting or laceration that needs stitches, or will he send you to the emergency room? Who handles the doctor's calls when his practice is closed? Does he share after-hours calls with another practice, does he split the time among his partners, or are you sent to the emergency room? How does this doctor notify you of test results? Does he or his nurse call you? Or is "no news good news"?

Hopefully those will help you choose. Good luck!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Inspirational Sunday - Faith Healing

This topic dropped in my lap when I received an email from a friend asking me if I would help one of her friends. The friend was using faith-based healing now after conventional medicine failed her. The problem was she put her medical condition in the hands of someone she shouldn't - someone who performed surgery on her that should never had been done as it was not only extremely rare but the doctor was not board certified nor qualified to do the surgery PLUS she had gone to multiple doctors seeking their opinion, letting them ALL treat her, yet not telling the other doctors about each other. So she was now wheelchair bound, in severe pain, and trying to care for her children.

So today I thought I would talk about healing both spiritually and via conventional medicine. I will start first with faith healing. Faith healing is a concept that your religious belief can bring about healing either through prayers or rituals. These prayers or rituals bring forth a divine presence and power that they correct the disease process or disability, restoring full health to that person that was afflicted.

Claims that prayer, divine intervention, or the laying of a healer's hands can cure illness has been popular throughout history and in many religions. There are miraculous recoveries that have been documented throughout history that have involved prayer, a visit to a religious shrine, or with just a strong belief in a higher supreme being. There have been claims that faith can cure blindness, deafness, cancer, AIDS, developmental disorders, anemia, arthritis, corns, defective speech, multiple sclerosis, skin rashes, total body paralysis, and various injuries.

Now comes the scientific part of me that states that scientific evidence does not support the belief that faith healing can cure physical ailments. There are critics that have concerns that anyone who relies totally on faith healing delay in seeking conventional medical care. There is evidence that death, disability, and other negative outcomes usually occur when faith healing was elected instead of medical care for serious injuries or illnesses. We see this in the news at least once a month.

So what is right? I actually can't tell you what to do just as I can't tell you how to believe. Scientific evidence does not support claims that faith healing can cure cancer or any other disease. Even the Roman Catholic Church states that the 'miraculous' cures at the French shrine of Lourdes do not outnumber the historical percentage of spontaneous remissions seen among people with cancer.

So does faith healing have a place along with conventional medicine? Yes, I believe it does. Faith healing promotes peace of mind, reduces stress, relieves pain and anxiety, and strengthens the will to live. Looking at not only the years I have been in the field of medicine, but with my own health issues, I know I could not have handled the many surgeries on top of inlaw issues on top of family issues on top of everyday issues if it hadn't been for my faith. Did it cure me? Possibly from being admitted to a psychiatric facility but in reality no. It helped me cope. It helped me get up every morning and face my day. But in actuality, I have never prayed for myself - my prayers are always directed at those who don't believe and/or need my prayers more than I do.

Back to the email. I told her that there was nothing wrong in prayer but that her problems were developing from putting her trust in not only a doctor without credentials but in multiple doctors and not telling the other doctor what types of treatment she was getting from each of them. I told her to cut out all doctors, get her records from all the doctors who have treated her, and take said records to one doctor for a consultation and from there decide if she could stay with that doctor's recommendations or obtain yet another opinion. In the meantime, she could continue praying and if they wanted, they could come to us for her consultation.

Working in the medical field, I have personally witnessed many people who seem to 'hold on' for a family member to get there. I have personally witnessed dying people who 'hold on' until they are feel their relatives are ready to let them go. I have personally had the privilege of being in the room with those people who held on and with the blessing from their relatives to 'let go', they did and it was an emotional amazing feeling that is indescribable. I personally had this happen to my own grandfather who was in the hospital in renal failure in another state. I would talk to my grandfather every day and it came to the day my husband was to have brain surgery. Grandpa asked me to call him when I had a chance after his surgery. I finally was able to call him later that evening. I talked to the nurses first who told me grandpa had slipped into a coma with no urine output at all that day. I asked for the nurse to put the phone next to his ear. I then told him that my husband had come through the surgery fine and that it was time for him to go home to the Lord. He died while on the phone with me. I didn't need anyone to tell me he was gone. I heard the monitor flatline. I heard my cousins start to cry. I hung up and called my father to let him know.

So do I believe in faith healing and prayer? Yes, as long as you don't ignore conventional medicine. Both have a definite place in one's life.

Family Dilemna - Need Help

My mother died. I accept that. What I do not accept is how one of my sisters - younger sister at that - has decided she is taking over as the mother of our family. She treats my father like he is an imbecile. He isn't. He will be 77 this year, has full mental capability, and is a fully responsible adult. He does not need my sister being his mother or stepping into what was my mother's shoes. He called me the other day and bluntly asked me to tell her to back off. I told him that was his job if he truly felt like that.

This is the same sister that decided my previous blog aired our family's dirty laundry and thus decided that I should delete said blog. I did but kept a counter on it to see who came. Yet she came everyday. Nothing was there.

I exported the blog to this blog. But it's been over a month. Said sister has already taken over the family reunion weekend and deliberately planned foods she knows I can't eat PLUS deliberately sent out emails to an account I haven't used in years and she knows that since she sent the nasty email to my correct email address. I found out because my daughter sent me the emails.

I have to see her in a few short weeks. What do I do?

Do I confront her crappy behaviour now? Or do I become the bigger person and ignore her? Or do I tell her to go to you know where then ignore her? I am afraid what my mouth will say before my brain thinks when I see her again.

Frankly I have no desire to continue our relationship. She is toxic.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chinney Chin Chin Hairs

Today's topic is on chinney chin chin hairs compliments of a friend after she read the leg hair post.

Her question was: Why do hairs suddenly appear....... and appear to be 1-2 inches long overnight? I actually have thought of this before to research and blog about. Problem is I have senior brain farts a lot and never remembered this as a possible blog post when I am wracking my brain trying to think of what I am going to blog about. I have often thought of carrying around a tape recorder to record those thoughts but then I would have to remember where I put the tape recorder. For those of you who would say, well then just leave it on all the time - I answer nope - I talk to myself. I wouldn't want to actually listen to myself and weed through all the crap I say before I got to what I was looking for. That would be kinda scary. I could put it on a post it note but then again the problem is finding the post it note plus I have been known as the 'post it note lady' already and quite a few get fed to the washer quite often. Actually more often than naught.

So back to the chinney chin chin hairs. I remember my first chin hair. It was like having a gigantic pimple on your face, yanno the one that the whole world sees right away? But there it was, a single hair growing from my chin, about a half inch in length, all by itself, blowing in the wind, appearing out of nowhere. At first, I thought I had drooled and it crusted or my lunch had hit my chin instead of my chest and it was dried and caked on. So I excused myself and quickly went to the bathroom holding my chin. But after scrubbing, I realized it was the dreaded chinney chin chin hair. I went back to work but I was sitting there rubbing my chin thinking - this a beard? Everyone was looking at me, I just knew it. So I kept my hand discreetly up on my chin for the rest of the day.

My first hair was just the one easily tweezed thick hair (the rest of my body has really thin hair so I knew this was definitely an alien foreign thang). But this came out overnight. As soon as I got home, I got out my makeup mirror and put it to the magnifying side, picked up my tweezers and plucked that baby out spit spot. But a month later, there came 2. Soon there was a whole crop bursting out (the more light you put on them the more they seemed to show up).

It was like one day I had a nice clean chin. The next day I had one. Few months pass I feel like I looked like a nanny goat. Then to top it off my hairdresser said to me one day: "Yanno, I think we need to start shaving you." I about peed my pants. I think I screamed but I am not admitting to anything. But sure enough, with her mirror that magnifies everything a zillion times, there was a whole crop that popped up on my face too. My only consolation was that at least they were light in color. Hairdresser says: "Don't worry about it - you can hardly see them." I was like now that you pointed them out, I can see them. So I decided I would handle this by never looking in magnifying mirrors or be anywhere in public in the daylight. I also learned to dab my makeup on with a sponge instead of rubbing it on with my fingertips since that makes the hairs less prominent. Every once in a while I allow my hairdresser to shave me.

Back to chinney chin chin hairs. It’s so humiliating to have chin hairs. They just seem to appear out of nowhere. Not there one day, here the next. It doesn’t matter whose terms I’m going by, the chin hairs invade my sense of self in such a horrible way. I think though I was more upset because this ran through my mind: why hadn't anyone told me I could pass for Santa complete with a beard?

Recently, the overgrowth has migrated to my nostrils. Men are just as prone to the wild hair phase of aging which manifests as mad scientist eyebrows and back hair, so I guess I should be grateful for a few chin whiskers and a hair or two in my nose.

So the brainiac in me wanted to know the why. Why did I get this? As a younger woman, I dealt with thin eyebrows after a close encounter with the windshield of my car. But as I aged, those thin eyebrows became even thinner. So did they migrate down to my chin? Everything else sags south as you age, why not chin hairs too?

Well, although that might be one possible reason, facial hair may begin to grow in women as a result of the natural aging process. Every woman has a normal amount of male hormones (called "androgens") in her body. As we age, our body produces more of these androgens which may cause an increase in hair growth on the chin, upper cheeks or neck area. It is also related to the decline of estrogen. Though heredity or age are most of the reasons, some facial hair growth can be linked to underlying medical conditions that can cause an increase in androgen production, which in turn causes facial hair. One cause of excess androgens in the body is obesity. Fat retains androgen, so the more overweight a person is, the more androgen is kept in the body, potentially causing some male-patterned hair growth. Other medical causes for excessive hair growth can be polycystic ovary syndrome, or hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy or menopause.

So now that we have the wire chinney chin chin hair, what can we do about getting rid of them? Googling the subject, I have picked up a few hints on removal:

1. Put some eye shadow on your chin. They really seem to show up then. If you have dark chin hairs use white eyeshadow. If they are white or lighter ones, use a darker eyeshadow. If they are those wiry stick straight out ones, you don't need shadow at all. Remember to wash off the shadow though. You could get some strange looks. I did that once. I just said I was trying out a new makeup style and it was supposed to take inches off off your chin and make you look younger (they actually believed me which proved to me they weren't high in the gene pool). Anyway, get yourself good tweezers and go plucking them away. Just remember tweezing can cause that hair to become ingrown so you might have to try exfoliating before they turn into a huge red pimple on your chin. Tweezing them is also why they suddenly pop out overnight - there is actually a bump there with the hair in it curled up as if it was in its cocoon. It waits until it is about a half inch then it pops out, much in the same way a chick comes out of an egg when it is ready.

2. Dye or bleach your chin hairs if there aren't that many and/or they're short. This will make them much less noticeable and save you the hassle of the next steps.

3. Shave and exfoliate if you have more than a bit of bristle. Shaving your chin hairs is a continual, short-term solution but it's simple and safe.

4. Wax persistent chin hair or just to achieve a smoothness that shaving cannot. Home waxing kits are readily available, but make sure you have time to spend by yourself as your face can become very irritated.

5. Apply hair removal cream such as Nair. Alternatively try a hair retardant like Vaniqa which will inhibit key enzymes causing hair to grow back slower and thinner which makes plucking/waxing more effective and easier. As a person who is allergic to hair removal creams, please make sure you follow the directions on the box carefully and do a test spot first. Nothing like a really red chin to get you noticed. Maybe a bandanna if that happens?

6. You can always let them grow and if you get three of them you can braid them. Maybe even put a bead or two on the ends and say it's the latest fashion trend.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Worst Dates/Romances

I visit a couple different forums and this is one of the latest threads on both boards and I caught the same question coming up on a few blogs, especially in the past few weeks. Have no clue why this subject is coming up and such a popular topic but all I have to say is maybe people are just having really bad dates lately?

But the topic inspired today's post. BMMH (before meeting my husband) I dated as often as I could. Mind you I could not date until I turned 16. Anyone hazard a guess as to what I did on my 16th birthday? Yep, had my first date.

High school dates were just that - high school'ish. Hormones were raging and at the time, it was 'not proper' for a girl to ask a guy out unless it was 'Sadie Hawkin's Day' aka Turn-a-bout. Even then, I actually never asked a guy out until after college. I know - hard to imagine. But in high school I dated exactly 2 guys and one I was engaged to my senior year. That is my first of many worst dates/romances. I got a 'Dear Jane' letter 2 weeks prior to my senior prom which ended up being the only prom I never attended (unless you count being freshman attendant and attending the prom with my father as one but I don't). Okay maybe that was the 1st bad date come to think about it. Who goes to prom with their father????? So the 'Dear Jane' letter also included a picture of my Navy fiancee with his arms around 2 naked women. On the back he had written: "Sorry, having too much fun to come back home or get married". Yes, I did get him back 2 years later when he begged me to go out with him again. I said yes and strung him along and then dumped him within 4 weeks.

So instead of getting married, I went to college instead - a college that was 80/20 percentage of men to women. Nice odds in my favor and I took full advantage of those odds when I wasn't working full time nights or going to school full time during the day or working in the cafeteria during lunch and dinner. I did manage to date quite a few guys though and while every single one of them was nice, most I dated only once and those few I allowed more than one date became really good friends with no benefits and some whose friendships lasted years. You ask the reason why I would only date or give a guy one chance? Because I was into school and had a very busy life and most guys were into partying and sex and that wasn't me. Plus they didn't grab my attention in any way shape or form so I would never let them into who I was to allow them to have a 2nd date. I was pretty picky, okay really picky.

My next memorable worst romance came the beginning of my senior year of college when I met a guy from Notre Dame. He was nice, polite, Catholic, and fit all my criteria especially since he lived over 5 hours away so he didn't interfere with either my work or school schedules. I dated him for 4 months and ignored that 'feeling' things weren't quite right with him mainly because there were too many right things that I knew or thought I knew that I wanted. Yeah, things weren't right - I eventually found out he was engaged and planning a wedding for June that year with a girl on Long Island.

I actually didn't date at all for almost 6 months (finished college and had started grad school full time days while working full time on the PM shift and was studying for the nursing boards). A friend set us up - stated said guy was nice and quiet and studious. 1st date he took me to dinner at this hard rock bar where all one had to do was inhale and they were immediately stoned. I asked him to take me home and he actually did but then expected me to 'reimburse' him for his expenses that night. By reimbursement he meant sex. I said no. He wouldn't take no for an answer until I kneed him and flipped him over my shoulder. He got the message and left. Nice and quiet my rear.

Next guy - still in grad school and still worked PM shift at a hospital - I lived next to a restaurant and worked there part time on the weekends or any day I was off work to pick up more money to pay for school. I met a drummer in a band. Great guy. Perfect manners. Nice and quiet and loved to dance and talk about books he had read (later I found out he had read the Cliff Notes in order to discuss them with me). He especially liked classical music which is my true musical love and best of all loved my 2 cats. Dated him for 3 months. Even met his mother! One night after work his wife showed up at my apartment building. I heard her yelling slut and a few other choice words and looked around and figured she was talking about one of my illustrious neighbors. She caught me as I went to enter the locked door to the complex and whirled me around and said basically that I was a whore and was sleeping with her husband. At first I didn't believe her but we started talking and sure enough, the 'perfect' guy I was dating was not only her husband but the father of the 2 year old she had with her and the father of the baby she was carrying. Refused to talk to him ever again. I ended up having to change apartments and phone numbers to get him off my back but did end up with a rabbit coat which I let the cats use as a blanket. They loved it. Oh and the mother bit - she hated her daughter-in-law which is why she never said anything to me.

It took me almost 6 months again to dare to date again. There had been a new crop of residents at the hospital I worked at and I was friends with a few of them. I still had 6 months left of grad school and was meeting residents at not only the hospital I worked at but the hospital I was doing the grad work at but I wasn't interested in even dating a doctor. Nope - wanted a banker with normal hours and someone who fit an image of what I considered the perfect family (yanno like the Cleaver family). Instead I met my husband. Yes he was a resident and yes he was everything I wanted except he was a doctor. He said we couldn't date if I continued working at the hospital he was at (there was some rule the residents could not date the nurses) so I changed hospitals again. Yes, I knew even then that he would come to mean something to me. I think we had 3 dates between September and the following February mainly because of both of our schedules. After grad school was done I switched to day time hours at the hospital and we had more time to date. It was 8 months after that we got engaged and 8 months later we married.

So I had quite a few bad dates and romances and went through quite a few toads before I met my prince even though he was a doctor and is never home for dinner by 5pm.

Recipe Thursday - Easy Light Crockpot Pork and Vegetables

This recipe is not only really flavorful but it is super healthy for you. I usually make a salad to go with it. I actually don't remember where I got it so I can't attribute it to anyone but I know it was a quite a few years ago and off the Internet.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 8 hours
Total Time: 8 hours, 20 minutes

•3 lb. boneless pork sirloin roast
•1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
•1 acorn squash
•2 sweet potatoes, peeled
•1/2 cup apple butter (I prefer the old fashioned kind from the Amish)
•3 Tbsp. prepared horseradish
•1 Tbsp. cornstarch
•1/2 tsp. ground allspice
•1/4 tsp. pepper
•1 cup chicken broth
•1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

Heat oil in a heavy skillet and cook pork roast until browned on all sides, turning occasionally. This should take about 10 minutes. While that's cooking, cut the acorn squash into 8 wedges and remove seeds (I zap it for about 3 minutes if it is a large squash to make it easier to cut). Do not peel. Peel sweet potatoes and cut into chunks. Place squash and sweet potatoes in 6-7 quart slow cooker. Top with browned pork roast.
In a small bowl, mix together apple butter, horseradish, cornstarch, allspice, pepper, chicken broth, and thyme. Pour into slow cooker.

Cover crockpot and cook on low for 7-9 hours until pork and vegetables are tender.

Makes 8 servings
Each serving has:
Calories: 410
Fat: 12 grams
Sodium: 200 mg

This recipe is not only really flavorful but it is super healthy for you. I usually make a salad to go with it. I actually don't remember where I got it so I can't attribute it to anyone but I know it was a quite a few years ago and off the Internet.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 8 hours
Total Time: 8 hours, 20 minutes

•3 lb. boneless pork sirloin roast
•1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
•1 acorn squash
•2 sweet potatoes, peeled
•1/2 cup apple butter (I prefer the old fashioned kind from the Amish)
•3 Tbsp. prepared horseradish
•1 Tbsp. cornstarch
•1/2 tsp. ground allspice
•1/4 tsp. pepper
•1 cup chicken broth
•1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

Heat oil in a heavy skillet and cook pork roast until browned on all sides, turning occasionally. This should take about 10 minutes. While that's cooking, cut the acorn squash into 8 wedges and remove seeds (I zap it for about 3 minutes if it is a large squash to make it easier to cut). Do not peel. Peel sweet potatoes and cut into chunks. Place squash and sweet potatoes in 6-7 quart slow cooker. Top with browned pork roast.
In a small bowl, mix together apple butter, horseradish, cornstarch, allspice, pepper, chicken broth, and thyme. Pour into slow cooker.

Cover crockpot and cook on low for 7-9 hours until pork and vegetables are tender.

Makes 8 servings
Each serving has:
Calories: 410
Fat: 12 grams
Sodium: 200 mg

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why Do Women Shave Their Legs?

This actually was the topic of conversation at a fancy smancy dinner dance hubs and I went to last fall. Of course, the men had their opinions too and a few were excited that because of the 'special event' and their wives 'dressing up' had indeed shaved their legs so in their minds that meant they were getting lucky that night.

I actually shaved too that day - not because I had to or even wanted to. I hate shaving my legs and underarms. It's nice when one lives in the Midwest and thus never has to don a bathing suit and always wears pants. It's easier to get by with it then.

I remember eons ago when I was young, all I wanted was an electric razor and would be allowed to finally shave. It was a rite of passage. However, I was blond and very light skinned thus any hairs you find on me you usually have to use a magnifying glass to see. Of course when I was 12, I swore everyone could see every hair I had and I was the absolute last person allowed to shave. It was a big deal when I finally got my own electric razor for my 8th grade graduation. I was in heaven.

Then I grew up. Shaving became a chore and a royal pain in the you know what. I would shave maybe once to twice a week. Soon those weeks slid into months. Now even though I don't have much hair (never actually did), I shave when I feel like it. But men? Let them hear a woman has shaved - they become sex addicts. I swear it is an aphrodisiac for them!

Since it was such an interesting conversation, I thought I would do some research on it. It is a very common practice amongst us women in the Western countries and actually also done by some men (bodybuilders, cyclists, swimmers, and today's culture who thinks any upper body hair on a guy needs to be removed).

Shaving is the removal of hair by either razor or other bladed item down to the level of the skin. Some people use waxing (OUCH). Waxing is semi-permanent which removes the hair from the root. New hairs are slower to grow back (usually 2-8 weeks). There are also other methods like sugaring (a method of epilation that has been in use since 1900BC when a hairless and smooth body was considered the standard of youth, beauty, and innocence for women in Egypt). There is also depilatories, depilatory devices, and now laser hair removal.

During my research, I found this article which was pretty interesting:

I knew if I procrastinated long enough on this often-asked question somebody would eventually do the legwork for me. Sure enough, Pete Cook of Chicago has sent me a 1982 article from the Journal of American Culture by Christine Hope bearing the grand title "Caucasian Female Body Hair and American Culture."

The gist of the article is that U.S. women were browbeaten into shaving underarm hair by a sustained marketing assault that began in 1915. (Leg hair came later.) The aim of what Hope calls the Great Underarm Campaign was to inform American womanhood of a problem that till then it didn't know it had, namely unsightly underarm hair.

I strongly encourage you to read the whole article as it was that interesting.

But depending on the amount of hair or your own patience, some women only shave the hair below the knee while others shave their entire leg. The frequency actually depends not on hair growth but interestingly enough, on your age. Some shave as often as every day, and others may not bother to shave at all during winter months when their legs aren't visible to the public. In general, younger women tend to shave more frequently than older women.

I loved this line I found:
Research also suggests that women who do not shave their body hair are "characterized by higher global self-esteem." Scholars suggest that this is because women with lower levels of self-esteem are less likely to be satisfied with their natural bodies, and thus more likely to alter them.

Yeah I have a high self esteem. That is why I don't shave often. It's not because I am lazy or old. It's because I have a high self esteem (VBG)

I also agree with the cartoon I found above:
shaving your underarms is maintenance shaving your legs is dating

Book Review - Jaci Burton's Wild Riders Series

I was looking for new authors and a friend (Terri) recommended Jaci Burton. I picked up her Wild Rider Series published by Berkley Heat via ebook and just finished them. They were all hot hot hawtttttttttttttttt! Steamy factor +10+++++ with great suspenseful story lines too! She is now an auto-buy for me!

The whole series revolves around motorcycles and hawt hawt men. The Wild Riders is a gang of special ops bikers who work undercover for the federal government.

The first book in the series (Riding Wild) was a finalist for Best Erotic Suspense for the 2008 Romantic Times BookReviews Reviewers Choice Award. This book features Mac who is working undercover as a thief, this time high-jacking a priceless artifact included in a museum exhibit from a museum in Chicago. He has traveled around the country looking for the right opportunity to steal it. Of course, the heroine is Lily who is a gun-toting ex-socialite ex-cop PI who was hired to protect said valuable museum exhibit and investigate the security for the museum. Mac was Lily's 1st love 10 years ago and they both quickly find the passion never died. Between Mac kidnapping Lily to their action packed escapades to Mac's Alpha personality and the scalding, scorching, searing, blazing hawt hawt hawt - hawter than the hottest pepper sauce made connection these 2 have, this book draws you in from the very first page to the last and even days later. Riding Wild is a must-read for anyone who loves sexy romances filled with plenty of action and suspense.

The 2nd book in the series is Riding Temptation and was again a finalist in the Best Erotic Suspense for the 2008 National Readers' Choice Awards which was really no surprise to me. This book again features an Alpha hawt motorcycle man named Diaz Delgado. Runaway Jessie Matthews who was caught by Mac (from the 1st book) and taken into the gang of special ops bikers. The guys have always thought of her as a kid sister - except, of course, Diaz. Unknown to Diaz, the feelings are mutual. On Jessie's first assignment for the Wild Riders, she is paired with Diaz and they go undercover as a couple to infiltrate and take down a group of bikers who are thought to be survivalists who are selling arms illegally. Jessie uses every single feminine wile to capture Diaz's attention and have him be her first lover. This book's hawt levels are even hotter than the 1st book as Ms. Burton intertwines kinkier sex, an orgy, voyeurism, and exhibitionism into this story that doesn't offend in any way as there is so much sensuality you don't realize the kink. The action out of bed goes into the 'code' that bikers live by and how riding is a passion and a way of life and was really interesting to me. She portrays bikers as everyday people and seldom criminals. The book has a lot of exciting action suspenseful scenes that just suck you in and keep you up all night. If anything, the 2nd book in the series showed me that Jaci Burton is not an author with a one book hit and hopefully will be around for a long time to come!

I was a little leery by the time I got to the 3rd book since I didn't think Ms. Burton could possibly outdo the other 2 but I was sure proved wrong in a hurry. Riding on Instinct is probably the hawtest of the 3 books and that is not putting the other steam factor down on the other 2 in any way.

Spence was in Riding Temptation and quite intriguing so I loved that book 3 featured him as the alpha hero. Spence is a true alpha who does not back down in any situation and is a confirmed bachelor who has prided himself on choosing women he can love and leave with no strings attached. But here comes Shadoe Grayson, a Justice Department Agent who is assigned to work with Spence and fellow Wild Rider agents Paxton and AJ. The mission is to determine the identity of a rogue DEA agent who is passing information to the Columbians about drug seizure operations at the port in New Orleans. The Justice Department suspects that the rogue agent is using a high-end strip club in New Orleans as a base of operations. The Wild Riders team and Shadoe are assigned to go undercover at the club to identify the agent and catch him passing intelligence information to the Columbians.

Spence is skeptical of Shadoe's abilities to pull off her undercover identity as a stripper as he pegs her as an uptight prim and proper straight laced woman. But Shadoe has a photographic memory and assumes her undercover role with an intensity that blows Spence away (I learned some new things too). Spence acts as her bodyguard and boyfriend. Since they are sharing a room in the French Quarter Spence is quickly drawn to her and her sexuality that just oozes out of her pores. Their passionate scenes simply set the pages on fire and are so appropriate for New Orleans: sultry, sweaty, and oh so sinful. The mission is suspenseful and thrilling as the agents infiltrate the bar, identify the rogue agent and are caught in the crossfire during a vintage "Wild Rider" climax to the story although the climax and 'bad guy' was not revealed until the very end and I was kinda surprised by who it was.

This story also featured Wild Riders agents Paxton and AJ, who are are best friends, and share ...ummm....EVERYTHING. Just their description made me hope this series was not over and there was another Wild Rider novel in the future. I got my wish and AJ's and Paxton's story in Riding the Night will release September 2010. I can't wait!

Thanks Terri for the heads up on this author that is now an auto-buy!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Bachelorette/Reality Shows

I admit - I watch two reality shows - mainly The Bachelor or Bachelorette and The Amazing Race. Why? Well, the Amazing Race lets me see different countries and things the Travel Channel just don't show and it's just interesting to me. But The Bachelor/Bachelorette to me is like watching Maury. Why people think they can find love in this show and the antics are pure entertainment.

I post on this forum and one of the threads was on The Bachelorette. I can't believe how many people take this show and shows like soap operas seriously - so seriously to the point that they believe this is everyday life and get so involved they get upset at anyone who doesn't.

Seriously? I have no idea what kind of world you live in but if that show is reality, I am living in an alternative universe. Plus if a guy ever ever did some of those things to me on a date they would have been dropped in a nanosecond!

And the drama between Vienna and Jake last night? All it did was confirm to me what a pompous ass Jake was and what a drama queen Vienna was that I saw them both to be.

But back to this forum - they banned me from commenting since I see past the crappola and see more what they are either not saying or avoiding saying - they call those spoilers. Well, my definition of a spoiler then is way different than what theirs is. My definition is the plain facts of statements said in that show. Theirs is a rose colored view of a mushy romance novel with a happy ever after ending like a Harlequin. I probably won't be allowed back but that's okay. It was time to part company with them anyway. I am a bit more earth bound based.

They can kiss my fluffy tail!

Monday, July 5, 2010

No Brain

Usually I have no problems doing things on the spur of the moment. My brain functions that way. I think some of it is the way I was trained as a nurse. We react without thinking. Maybe it's also the mother in me. Dunno why - just do it although it has gotten me into trouble some times when I open mouth insert foot.

It's those times I have to think about what I need to do that I have a huge brain fart. Take for instance tonight. I needed to change the message on our office's answering machine. My son and husband love whenever I do it. They somehow always seem to know when I do it too and come from opposite ends of the house or another room just to watch me do it. It's like they have radar. Husband and son will then take bets on how many times I will re-record the message because I will always flub it up. My usual is 5-10 times according to them. Tonight neither husband or son won. It took me 22 times. I finally had to write it down in order to just read it.

Why can my brain just react without thinking yet I can't compose a simple 1 minute message without flucking it up??????

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How Do You Pick What You Read?

I know how I pick what I read. I look for authors I already know and like. I will also use this website I found that I adore: It is really easy to use - just enter a book or author you like and it will come up with suggestions for you. I have found a lot of new authors that I now love and I look for any books they have.

Another source I highly regard is the opinion of people I trust. They have never let me down.

Yet another source was an author's board I used to inhabit - until today that is. I was not a writer but was invited there to give a discussion on Tantric practices to the writers over 2 years ago. I have stayed but rarely posted because I wasn't an author - most of the topics related to things called plot monkeys, etc. I would steer clear of anything writing related. But anything else, if I had something to contribute I would.

The discussion I commented on was about reality shows, specifically The Bachelorette. Since I have been bed confined, I have been watching the show more religiously than I have in the past, especially this season. It seems every season of that show has drama and every single one ends a different way than I would have predicted. This season is no different. The only point in this years show is that in each and every episode there has been a comment in each and every episode. In this thread on this forum, I mentioned a website that is hysterical with his take on reality shows. He gives you cynical view of each episode and if you want, you can click on the spoilers above his posts. I never clicked on the spoiler area. I was just discussing the fact that I had seen this common thread and wondered if anyone else had. Well, seems one author got her panties in a bunch and chastised me for my "spoiler". I posted again, stating that this was not a spoiler but something I had noticed. So which posts were edited or pulled? Mine. It will be a cold day in hell before I read that author's books now.

Is it a full moon or does someone have PMS?

Happy 4th of July

Have a safe and happy 4th! Happy 6th Birthday to one of my nieces and Happy _6th Birthday of my baby sister.

I don't know if we will make it to the fireworks today or not - It is supposed to rain and my knee just does not like moving around at all even if it would be just sitting in the car and the ankle isn't used to be the weight bearer. It is the getting there - the getting down the stairs in the house then the stairs to the car then into the car then repeating all the above. Maybe I will just watch the Boston Pops on TV this year.

Please please be safe around fireworks. I remember being an ER nurse on the 4th. The most common fireworks injuries involve the hands, fingers, eyes, head, and face. Some of these injuries are severe, resulting in permanent health problems such as missing fingers and limbs and vision loss. I would post pictures but would gross too many of you out.


Have you ever wanted to just start over or get something off your chest? Well, this blog was created for me for that purpose. I had another blog in which I was lambasted by my family for not only the name of the blog (they thought it was all porn when in fact it was a play on my continuous hot flashing aka s), but because I dared to speak the truth about my family. I know, how dare I?

So this blog will have posts before this one as I am bringing forward posts from the blog I closed. They will give you a little piece of who I am.

But most important: I am who I am. I make no apologies for who I am or how I think. I am a product of my past, present, and what I see my future as and with the help of God and my husband, I will continue to say what I think and be who I am. If you don't like it, you don't have to read anything.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Casts vs Leg Hair Growth

I am so not a vain woman. I do my hair and makeup in the morning and I don't look at either for the rest of the day. Just not my style. Which brings me to why I chose this topic today. I am pretty fair skinned person who has very little leg hair and it is pretty blonde so I rarely have to shave.

That is until I got my cast (actually have lost count on how many casts on my ankle and leg I have had after 6 surgeries over a span of 3 years). Now I shaved both legs with a 5 bladed razor a day before my last surgery on May 6th. I have not shaved since. My left leg hair (the one not in a cast) has barely grown and one could never tell it needed shaved. The right leg in the cast - whole different story!

The hair on my right leg is dark and over an inch long. I am sure I can braid it. So curious me got to thinking. Do they put Miracle Grow in the cast material? Why does my leg hair not only grow faster but change to a dark color when I am in a cast? It goes back to normal after I am out of the cast after about 1-2 weeks. What causes this?

Some people say that being cold causes leg hair to grow faster, supposedly because when cold, the body and all things in it regenerate faster to produce or accumulate heat. Ok not me since I have an internal temperature at HOT HOT HOT. The only time I get cold is if the temperatures are at least 20 below zero.

But this is actually not true. The only reason your hair looks longer in cold weather is because one tends to get goosebumps and your hair seems to stick out of said goosebump a bit more. Get rid of the goosebumps and your hair is back to normal.

In reality, hair is like an iceberg. A hair shows only its tip; your true adversary, the root or follicle, lurks below the surface. Follicles follow a repeating three-phase life cycle — hair growth, hair death, rest. The growth phase lasts about 6 weeks; the resting phase, up to 6 months. Only about 30 percent of your follicles are sprouting hair at a time. The rest are hibernating until a new growth cycle begins

So the reason why the skin under a cast seems to grow faster is because it does. It is subjected to tiny amounts of friction as the cast moves. The friction is not enough to rub away hair, but it is enough to stimulate the hair follicles in the skin to produce new hairs. As the skin is subjected to its normal wear and tear, the excessive hair will gradually disappear (which is why it disappears after a week or so). There is really no Miracle Gro in the cast material.

A cute fact: The longest leg hair is 16.51 cm (6.5 in) long and belongs to Wesley Pemberton (USA), as measured on the set of ‘Lo show dei record’, in Madrid, Spain, on 9 February 2008.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Recipe Thursday - part 3 - Ravioli Fillers

These are some of my family's favorites: (note that around 2 cups of filling will make around 80 ravioli's depending on their size so adjust recipes accordingly). Cook the ravioli in boiling water. They will drop to the bottom. They are done when they rise back to the surface. Be careful not to add too many at one time because they will stick together then and not cook properly, and they also will not rise to the surface letting you know they are cooked thoroughly. Boil anywhere from 3-8 minutes depending on the thickness of the dough and the stuffing. I always taste test at 3 minutes then test every min thereafter. Once you begin making them, you can just look at them and know they are done.

Sweet potato filling
Mix all together:
2 large sweet potatoes skinned, then cubed then steamed until soft
1 beaten egg yolk
1 cup Parmesan Reggiano (freshly grated)
Salt and pepper to taste

Three Cheese Filling
1 cup ricotta cheese (drained)(I get the ricotta out of the deli section and not Stella or a generic one. You will definitely taste the difference.)
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano cheese
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (again I get this out of the deli section)

Cream the ricotta then add the Parmesan and mozzarella.

Acorn Squash Filling
Mix together: 1 medium acorn squash (cook in a microwave for 8-10 min then scoop out the squash, disposing of the seeds)
2 tablespoons ricotta cheese (again the good kind in the deli)
2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
1 whole nutmeg, freshly ground (you lose flavor if you use already ground nutmeg)
kosher salt & fresh ground pepper to taste

Spinach Filling
Put all into a food processor and blend until smooth:
3/4 pound fresh spinach
1 pound Ricotta Cheese (again from the deli)
1/2 Cup freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano Cheese
1/2 of a whole nutmeg freshly grated
1 teaspoon fresh chopped Basil
2 medium eggs or 1 large one

Meat Filling
Brown 1/2 pound ground veal, 1/2 pound ground pork, 1/2 pound ground chicken, and 1/2 pound ground beef along with 1/4 chopped onion, 1/4 chopped celery, 2 garlic cloves minced. Drain. I usually let this cool then put into the food processor adding 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, 3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano cheese, 2 slightly beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste. You should be able to form these into small balls - if not then add another beaten egg. I have also substituted mild Italian sausage for the chicken.

You can also use filling you would use for pierogies too.