I didn't want to take over another person's blog with all the stupid things I have done so decided to let it all out here.
A dear friend was lamenting that she had forgotten to do something and felt so bad about it, especially since it was something important.
Well, I am Queen of forgetting things. To not forget things, I became post it Queen yet I have been known to lose my post-it notes. So on the advice of a consultant at a seminar I recently attended, she suggested carrying around a legal pad so all your notes are on one page. Ok well now I have to design one that links around my waist because I keep misplacing that pad. One day I will work it out. One day.
Back to some of my worst brain fog thangs. Dear friends were celebrating their 25th anniversary and their children planned this beautiful surprise party for them complete with a renewal of their wedding vows at their church. I had the date and time on the master schedule which is online and synced daily with my PDA. I had it on my things to do list for that week. I had gone out and gotten them a present. Hubs and I went. No one was there. So we figured there were no cars because it was a surprise and they parked elsewhere. Logical, right? So hubs dropped me off in the pouring rain and went to park on the street next to the church and walked back. Well, the doors of the church were locked. So back to the car we went thinking we had the wrong church. The one we went to was the church they now attend and maybe it was at the church they got married in which happens to be the same name. So we went home to get the invitation and found out we were: Right Time. Right church. Wrong date. We missed it by a week.
Another time my hubs went to CA for a seminar. I stayed home to get some work done and to rest my foot. Another friend was having a surprise 60th birthday party. I was going to attend and had rsvp'd and had already arranged for a ride. Well, I totally forgot all about it and was cleaning out our walkin closet so didn't hear the phone nor the knock on the front door. I realized a few days later I had totally forgotten about it. But my closet got cleaned!
So please tell me I am not the only one.
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