Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Pillars of the Earth - New TV Miniseries

I watched the 1st episode of the miniseries last night and so far the series is as good as the book. Many times I have found books I have read which are made into movies have never followed the book and instead even will change the storyline. I was worried about this one too since early reviews had stated Ken Follett's novel had been changed for the miniseries. Critics had said "there was more melodrama, different conclusions and a busy, overstuffed feeling to it."

I actually didn't find that to be true so far. It pretty well followed the book and while some scenes from the book were left out, I didn't think it changed the storyline from the book. I think it might have confused a few people since some explanations were left out of who was who but don't worry - it was the same in the book. Bit by bit it all gets explained and there are reasons why the reveal was done at that time.

So a big thumbs up from me!

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