Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Finding Answers

Yesterday I posted about fashion no-no's. Tate and Anon brought up a term I had never heard: camel toe.

So curious me decided to Google camel toe. Then I Googled camel toe in Google Images. OMG....I about peed my pants. I sure wish I had known last night when I spent 45 minutes looking at male fashion blunders to find a pic halfway representing someone I saw yesterday. I honestly will attest I had never looked at so many male crotches last night ever in my life just to find ONE - yes only found one where the manberries were present. Seems all I had to do was know the correct term for letting your manberries show: and that word my dears is camel toe or moose knuckles. Who knew? Ok ok I didn't.

So that got me to thinking....hush I do think once in a while. What is the craziest thing you have Googled? Then have you put those words into Google Images? Now that is where I found the funniest things.

Camel Toe:

Now the funniest thing I found Googling Camel Toe: Yep if you don't have one you can create your very own!

I dare you to Google moose knuckles.

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