Friday, August 15, 2008

How to tell you are old!

Well, other than the obvious things, you can tell you are old when you get told what a 3 year old wants for his birthday and you have NO CLUE what it is.

So to determine what store I had to go to, I called my niece who has 1 year old L and his sister S who is 3. I thought my niece was going to need depends. She told me I have been hanging around old people way too much and she would send her kids for the weekend to update me. I said, ummm....yeah I will call you on that! I just needed her to inform me what toy it is and where to find it.

I thought a wiggle was a new hula hoop, or a bug that wiggles, or maybe some new snake or caterpillar - anything that wiggles was going through my brain (ok that one occurred too but just for a split second). Guess I don't get out much.

It isn't wiggle, it is The Wiggles - and not the sound my body makes jiggling either. It's a children's musical group of 4 men from Australia who have managed to rewrite the book about how children can be entertained with song and dance.

Their music is funny and entertaining if you are a child. I didn't get into it that much. The Wiggles state that they are a kid's first rock group. Dunno - my kids grew up with Motown and it didn't hurt them.

Just in case you were as unenlightened as I was, here is a song of theirs and I gotta say they are more annoying than Mr. Rogers.