The 2 new incisions on the outside were from the 5th ankle surgery done 2-11-10. Yes those are sutures you see - they are still in and won't come out for another 2 weeks. Up until today, the subtalar joint has been bleeding through the sutures which is normal for as much synovitis as they had to clean out. Because it finally stopped bleeding, I was given a cortisone shot for the nerve pain which is between the long incision going up and down and the suture incision and then placed in a cast.
Yes, I won't lie - there is still a lot of pain. No, I have not taken one pain killer yet. I use old fashioned things that do work: 50 minutes of every hour the ankle is elevated higher than my heart, 20 minutes of ice packs at the back of the knee per hour, take anti-inflammatories like Naprosyn every 12 hours, and up until today, wore ace wraps to help with swelling. All the nerve pain I had worked out is back plus now the joint pain. There are worse things though I could be feeling. I will get back to you if I actually feel blessed about that!
I had figured I would get a cast today so I let one of my nieces choose the colors - she wanted lime green and pink combo but they were out of lime green so I took her 2nd choice of pink and purple. I am one more week of non-weight bearing then the following week I can start putting partial weight on it using the crutches.
Today was the first day I have been downstairs since the surgery. Not a pretty picture of what I wheeled into - the family room, breakfast room table, and kitchen cabinets were so loaded there wasn't room for anything. I found a few items the girls said they had sent home to me but I never got and hubs "couldn't find". I folded 10 loads of towels and found the chairs, then cleaned off and sorted the mail and found the dining room table. The kitchen I yelled at our son to clean up. And then I also started laundry. No - it hadn't been done since I last did it on the 10th.
Hubs is packing. He's leaving tomorrow for 5 days of golf with the guys. My girls trip will come in October when I visit a friend near Atlanta.
I have 5 days of no husband and having son get me breakfast, lunch, and dinner and whatever I need. Please pray for me - or maybe him.