~Love isn't who you can see yourself with...it's who you can't see yourself without~
~The soul that can speak with it's eyes can also kiss with a gaze~
~Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, and the romance in a relationship and find out you still care for that person.~
Did you know that the French word for love - Amour - was voted the most romantic word in the world? Amore (the Italian word for love) was 2nd although the Italian language is considered the most romantic.
To me, I don't care how love to me is expressed - just that it is. It doesn't have to be chocolate or diamonds or fur or even words. It just has to be felt. The best Valentine's Day present from my husband has always been reasons why he loves me. These are valuable possessions to me and I still have the first love note he ever wrote me.
As an added treat for you - ever wonder how to put a heart in your email or word processing note? I did so I looked it up. Here is how to do it:
Type in these symbols without spaces: & # 9 8 2 9 ;
Or Fcn Alt L (again without spaces)
H♥ppy V♥lentine's D♥y!