Politico (www.politico.com) reported that Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) single-handedly filibustered HR 4691 preventing it from passing by unanimous consent. Why should you care? Interestingly enough this bill contained all the legislation voted in by Republicans which were set to expire 2-28-10.
Why was HR 4691 important? Passage of the bill would have:
1. Extended federal unemployment benefits.
2. Extended transportation funding.
3. Extended the current Medicare physician payment freeze through March.
So instead, beginning Monday 3-1-10, 1 million people will be thrown off unemployment and lose their health insurance and here's the big one: Physicians will see a 21.2% reduction in their Medicare payments for any service dated March 1, 2010 or after. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has no choice but to institute the federally-mandated cut on Monday.
You think this involves just Medicare? Well, you are wrong! Every single insurance company sets their reimbursement rates based on Medicare's rates. Yep, that means physicians will take a 21.2% decrease across the board in all insurances.
Would you take a 21.2% decrease in pay? I don't think so.
Do you think your doctor will remain on your health insurance plan with this 21.2% decrease in reimbursement? I don't think so.
Do you have a clue as to when physicians had a pay raise? Try over 10 years ago.
Have a clue as to what the physicians will be doing after Monday? Stay tuned. They might not be available.
Then where will we be with health care?