Yes, you read that right. We FINALLY have our DSL line and fax line back at our office - FINALLY. Took 20+ techs, 20+ field people, 60 hours of my time on the phone, 8 managers, 3 supervisors, my own phone network specialist, a Verizon wireless internet card, and over $5000 in money due me to pay payroll to have the girls be at that office doing nothing but watch ding-a-lings say everything is fine, plus my Verizon bill for the internet card, plus my network specialist person's bill.
Guess what came in today's mail too? Yep an AT&T bill. Anyone taking bets if I pay it?
What went wrong? Who knows except that some idiot wired the phone line outside that went to the DSL and fax to another telephone line instead of its own line. When the tech specialist I have been working with since last Wednesday called and said he was sending out someone to see what was wrong with the lines, I politely asked him to make sure he/she had taken their meds because the others had heard dial tones and DSL tones on those lines - and therefore they had to have been listening to voices or noises in their head and I requested either one on his meds not hearing things or one with a brain. I got Fred who confirmed what I have been saying the entire time that there was no tone on the line and that the idiots before him had wired that line into one of our other lines.
**sigh** Now to hire a lawyer to recoup my losses. At least the office can function now - just in time for my surgery on Thursday.
Do I know why they turned me off? Nope and probably never will. All I know is it took over 42 days to get it turned back on. Sounds kinda like.........yeah will leave that alone........:)