Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stop Tolerating Things

I get a daily email on coding, etc. In today's issue there was a Practice Management tip which I thought applied to every day life.

How many of you just tolerate things yet never change things so that they just keep happening day after day, week after week? I know I do. Sometimes I change things so that they won't happen again but lately, I am frustrated enough just recuperating that the thought of doing anything extra is just one thing too many. It helps the one or two days per week that I actually sleep a straight 8 or more hours without pain but those days are too few.

The article tells us to stop tolerating what we don't need. Don't allow your office to become cluttered with piles of papers. Don't waste money buying things that you know you have but just can't find at that moment. Don't fill your garage with so much stuff you can't use your garage. The article tells us to start by making a list of the things you are tolerating now that you are sick and tired of. It says to be really honest and make sure you keep this list for your eyes only. It also says that just the act of getting this on paper is the first step in actually doing something about it. Once you do, you will find yourself committing to taking action to eliminate these one by one until your daily personal and professional life is clear of these frustrations.

Good ideas! I know when the kids were small and I told them to clean their room, they would look at the mess and look at me and do nothing. Breaking a job down into sections does work. It brings to mind the following song that I have not been able to get out of my head since reading the article (yes I figured if it was implanted in my brain, I would share with you) - it's called the Garden Song but I would change the lyrics to pick up different items in the room.